Old Ebbitt Grill

An upscale restaurant near the heart of DC

xine way 🌟
Eater's Digest


Thank goodness we had a reservation because this place was poppin’. They seated us within minutes, and we got some bread and butter to start off the meal.

I ordered Grilled Artichoke, which was not super edible (I didn’t know how hard the leaves would be D:). The parts I could eat were really tender and sweet, though.

Michael got the artichoke dip. I thought it was way better than mine, and it seemed to fill him up just fine.

Service was pretty fantastic for how busy it was. And I also tried some of Justin’s meatloaf, and that was packed with flavor. Also my first time trying meatloaf!

I’d definitely be down to go again and order something more substantial. When I have more of an appetite, of course.



xine way 🌟
Eater's Digest

Aspiring librarian who writes, games, and walks on the side. Always happy to connect with writers on Medium!