Wanna win in 2018? Use these 7 tips!

Alechia Reese
Published in
4 min readJan 21, 2018


We’re officially 21 days into 2018. 2017 ended faster than this season of “How to Get Away with Murder.” Rolls eyes, impatiently awaits the end of the hiatus, and checks Roku every Friday for new episodes. I heard it’s back now so all is well! With 2018 now in full swing, it’s an absolute necessity we’re all prepared to win. Success is for everybody, but she’ll only stick around for those work for her:

Be Intentional

No matter how beautiful the car or full the tank if you have no destination you’ll ride around for hours and still never make any progress. Get out some paper, write out 5 big goals (with a pen) you’ll accomplish this year, then add the steps you’ll take to accomplish each one this year. Next, create a weekly ‘to-do’ list of the steps you outlined. That was fast, but don’t worry if that seems too scary, get Eating Elephants and thank me later.

Charge Your Worth

You get in life what you require. I remember so vividly barely having enough food for my family to eat more than one meal a day. I wasn’t comfortable talking money, asking for what I knew the project was worth, and allowing people to pay me on their terms. It’s amazing what hunger pains and frustration will do to force you out of your comfort zone. Use your bestie (Google) to find salaries in your industry with your level of experience, determine what number works for you, and craft your supporting claims to back your request. Practice with a mentor, then ask for what you’re worth. If they’re incapable of providing it, find the one who will and continue to produce nothing but excellence in the meantime.

Go to Events

Your greatest level of success isn’t found in your living room. You will have to leave your house. I know it’s tough — I too adore the peaceful ambience of my house. However, each month I attend at least two events a month that are outside of my comfort zone. I’ve met some of the most influential leaders in our nation and around the globe by attending events. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or intrapreneur, each month research events that are occurring in or around areas where you’ll be and go. If you can’t afford to go to the event, that’s not an excuse, ask to volunteer. Once there, your goal is to make at least two genuine connections. Don’t focus on passing out all your business cards. Your focus is on building relationships, not getting rid of your business cards — those aren’t free.

Be Consistent & Follow-Up

Consistency is to success as oxygen is to life — a necessity. No matter your industry, your goal is to become a subject matter expert so that people defer to you to solve their problems. They know you exist because you consistently let them know you exist using your expertise and experience.

The dividends you receive in your 30s are the direct reflection of what you have invested in your 20s. Just as your 40s are a reflection of your 30s. Every year you’re not consistently working towards your goals you rob your future self. Since we all agree, robbery isn’t cool, do your future self a favor. After every event, follow up with the contacts you made genuine connections with.

Set Realistic Goals

First of all, your reality is whatever you decide it is. It’s completely subjective so don’t let anyone dim your shine or say your goals are attainable because they couldn’t imagine it. That’s it — go forth and prosper.


An old African proverb says “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” No man is an island and working together makes things easier, when you’re properly aligned. This year promise yourself you’ll collaborate with at least one person, company, or brand in a mutually beneficial campaign, event, or launch to go faster together. If you’re confused about how to do that, Eating Elephants — trust me, you’ll thank me later.

Create a real relationship growth strategy

Many young people plan their entire destination wedding, children’s names, and type of dog and house they’ll reside in on the first date with a potential partner. As scary as it sounds, it’s an optimal mindset in business when it comes to building and cultivating a relationship growth strategy. At the start of each year I create a list of at least 3 high level relationships I’ll build in that year. It’s not enough to simply pick seemingly awesome people. Your goal is to pick individuals who can be sponsors. Mentors are great and necessary, but a sponsor directly aids in your growth. Get at least one this year and remember it’s not built overnight — build a genuine relationship with them.

SIDENOTE: If you’ve ever read my blog, book, or heard me speak then you know what’s next. Yes, you need those in your ‘relationship growth strategy’ to grow, however, don’t simply take. Have something to give also. Be an asset, in a world full of liabilities.

Because gifts are my primary love language, I give in order to receive more. Don’t judge me, I just have a keen understanding of how the universe works so I like to employ her full abilities. My gift to you is this bonus … #8:


Yes be grateful, however, don’t let anyone trick you into being so “grateful” you remain unhappy and unfulfilled. They’ll keep giving what you keep accepting. Be grateful, but let ’em know what doesn’t serve you, work for you, and what you will not accept. NO, is a complete sentence.

Can’t wait to see you win in 2018 & beyond!



Alechia Reese

Equal parts warm tea and Hennessy. Managing director, media personality, speaker & author. I specialize in strategy, marketing & branding.