“My Picky 11-Year-Old Is Even Asking for Seconds”

EatLove Blog
Published in
2 min readSep 17, 2020

Stephanie West, a working mom of 4 in Commerce, TX, lost 1% of body fat and decreased her metabolic rate by almost 100 calories in just a month by pairing her fitness routine with healthy eating + family support.

Her Motivation

Stephanie stopped smoking and drinking 8 years ago to get healthier (👏👏👏) but has struggled to maintain her weight. “I had lost a lot of weight. Then I had some health challenges and put the weight back on.” But Stephanie is feeling better now and is more determined than ever to shed those extra pounds and stubborn belly fat for good.

Stephanie West and her son

How She Did It

Stephanie and her oldest daughter joined the gym together to keep each other accountable. “When I signed up, my trainer said EatLove was included with membership and she helped me get started.” Stephanie uses EatLove everyday to plan nutritious meals for herself and her family. “All the recipes are really good. My picky 11-year-old is even asking for seconds.” Family favorites include the Simple Turkey Pasta Skillet and Turkey Taco Salad. Stephanie is proud of the progress she has made in just a short time and looks forward to the long-term results. “By using EatLove along with working out, everything’s coming together.”

#1 Tip

Make the platform your own by substituting ingredients (like ground turkey for ground beef) or swapping out meals.

Now it’s your turn! Get in touch with us at support@eatlove.is and we can refer you to an EatLove provider to help you kickstart your health journey.



EatLove Blog

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