RD Spotlight: Andrea Miller MHSc, RD

Andrea is a dietitian in private practice located in Ontario, Canada.

Katie Regan MBA, RDN
EatLove Blog
3 min readFeb 13, 2019


This story is a part of the RD Spotlight series where we feature outstanding Registered Dietitians around the globe who are part of the EatLove community.

1. How do you use EatLove PRO in your work? Tell us a little bit about yourself, your practice and specialty.

I have been practicing for 30 years. I have worked in a wide variety of settings, including teaching hospitals, community hospitals and in long-term care settings. I have taught university and I do a significant amount of media work.

I currently work full-time in my private nutrition counseling practice. I see clients for many reasons, including weight management, food allergies and intolerances, irritable bowel syndrome, elevated lipids and type 2 diabetes. I also work with clients who have eating disorders.

I started to incorporate EatLove into my practice, in the spring of 2018. I offer the meal planning program as part of a multi-visit package, for clients who are looking to increase their confidence with cooking, for those struggling with meal ideas and for individuals wanting to improve their overall health and nutrition.

Offering the program as a multi-visit package allows me to check in on my clients to ensure they are comfortable with the recipes, their personalized meal plan and using the grocery list. Once they have mastered the program and are in a routine that works for them, they can renew their meal plan package with a simple email or phone call. This saves everyone time. I send weekly menus, and check on my clients activity on a weekly basis. This allows me to see how engaged my clients are and how they are using the program.

2. What is your favorite part about being a Registered Dietitian?

I love it when clients confidence with food and how they eat and prepare food, increases. Being part of this process is really satisfying.

3. How do you utilize meal planning in your practice?

I incorporate EatLove into my assessment, for many of my clients- especially when they mention their personal struggles with meal planning and grocery shopping.

4. What are your favorite features on EatLove PRO? How has it changed your job on a day-to-day basis? How has it impacted your clients?

I love how EatLove can be personalized based on health conditions and food preferences. My clients love that they can customize the recipes for number of servings and for planned leftovers. They also love that they can swap out recipes, and select recipes based on cooking skill level.

Fun Facts:

  • What’s your favorite food? Eggs!
  • What’s your go-to quick weeknight meal? Breakfast for dinner!
  • Food philosophy? Food should be celebrated and enjoyed.

