RD Spotlight: Daphne Olivier, LDN, RD, CDE

Daphne of The Unconventional Dietitian is an Integrative and Functional Nutrition Certified Practitioner working with clients to make long term changes.

Katie Regan MBA, RDN
EatLove Blog
2 min readApr 11, 2019


This story is a part of the RD Spotlight series where we feature outstanding Registered Dietitians around the globe who are part of the EatLove community.

1. How do you use EatLove PRO in your work? Tell us a little bit about yourself, your practice and specialty.

Feeding your body nutrient dense foods should not be difficult. In my practice I work with people to use food as medicine for hormone imbalances — everything from insulin dysregulation, thyroid dysfunction, adrenal challenges, or estrogen, progesterone, testosterone imbalances.

My philosophy in working with people is to teach them:
1. What foods are right for them
2. How to prepare them
3. How to fit these foods into their lifestyle

2. What is your favorite part about being a Registered Dietitian?

I enjoy being able to use food, what we all consume multiple times daily, to be able to help someone feel better, both physically and emotionally.

3. How do you utilize meal planning in your practice?

I offer it as a tool for people to learn how to fit the appropriate foods into their lifestyle.

4. What are your favorite features on EatLove PRO? How has it changed your job on a day-to-day basis? How has it impacted your clients?

I really like that you can customize it to provide 3, 5, or 7 day meal plans. Sometimes multiple days of meal plans can be overwhelming but sometimes people need as much support as possible. I also like being able to change out recipes as needed.

Fun Facts:

  • What’s your favorite food? I really, really love nachos
  • What’s your go-to quick weeknight meal? Chicken tossed with sun-dried tomatoes, spinach, kale, and chickpea pasta
  • Food philosophy? Eating healthy should be easy, lets keep it that way.

