Blogger, I married him

Olivia Darmanin
Published in
3 min readJul 17, 2011

Adapted from the famous phrase in the novel Jane Eyre, the title says it all.

Yes, curious followers, that is the reason for my silence and absence for the last two months or so! Eatmania was temporarily shut down and all the family’s energies and concentration were spent on preparing for our wedding day.

It all happened on the 2nd July. I woke up thoughtful about what’s the ideal lunch to prepare for the whole hungry bunch at home. There were many conditions and parameters: I could not leave a strong smell of food otherwise it will taint our freshly made hairstyles, I could not prepare a heavy meal otherwise our tummies will bulge in our tightly fit dresses, no carbohydrates since these would make us hungrier by the evening. Finally, we decided on a roast chicken… but disaster struck and it was only then that I realised that the wedding excitement had come up to my brain and I was in a frenzy. Guess what?! I roasted the chicken in freezer bags instead of roasting bags. To my dismay, I opened the oven and saw these poor chickens coated with melted plastic which was emitting a horrible smell. So, with our lunch in the bin, my brother went to buy another lot of chickens, and we started the roast chicken process again; this time with success.

The morning went by like any other day. Then, after lunch, preparations were in full blast. Hair done, make-up next, dress up and ready to go. Photographer arrived and we were all there posing, being natural, smiling heartily, smiling tensely, holding hands. It was all a flare up of mixed emotions. Tiny hiccups did not miss — the usher lost his cravat, the maid of honour sandals tore at the buckle, my father was drained with sweat, my Aunt was still in her nightie when the photographer came. However, it all worked out well at the end.

Our wedding day was a wide celebration in the name of love. I could feel the love, happiness and joy of those close to me. I shared my deepest moments with people whom I care for. I understood how you feel as you look into the eyes of your future husband who is waiting for you up the aisle. Ruptured with emotions and in the presence of numerous family members, friends and relatives we tied our union during a pleasant, light-hearted mass. Then off to the reception party at Hastings Garden in Valletta. We arrived just in time to enjoy the warm colours of dusk splashed over the horizon.

[caption id=”attachment_2093" align=”aligncenter” width=”500" caption=”Husband & wife”]


Without the help of many important and dedicated contributors this wedding would not have been the enormous success it was. Every detail was looked into devotedly and with passion. Thank you for making our wedding day such a memorable and important milestone in my life. And now off to the washing, the cleaning and the cooking…



Olivia Darmanin
Editor for

Passion for cooking, eating and drinking good quality wine has been within me for ages. The older I get the stronger the passion grows.