3 easy life hacks to stop overeating

Ula Stefanowicz
Published in
2 min readJul 27, 2017

High stress level, lack of physical actitivty, consumption of processed and high in sugar foods or just not enough sleep make us overeat. It is very difficult to overcome cravings without ending up eating a hole package of chips or ice cream. Here are three easy strategies how to stop overeating.

Weight Loss Hack #1: Use the hunger scale
A hunger scale will help you understand your food needs. There are few hunger stages:

Starving: An uncomfortable, empty feeling that may be accompanied by light-headedness or the jitters caused by low blood sugar levels from lack of food.

Hungry: Your next meal is on your mind. Failure to eat on time, you starve.

Moderately hungry: Your stomach may start roaring. This is optimal eating time.

Satisfied: You’re satiated — not full, but not hungry, either. You’re relaxed and comfortable and can wait to nosh.

Full: If you’re still eating, it’s more out of momentum than actual hunger. Your belly feels slightly bloated, and the food does not taste as good as it did in the first few bites.

Stuffed: You feel uncomfortable and might even have mild heartburn from your stomach acids creeping back up into your esophagus.

Weight Loss Hack #2: Take more proteins
Protein can help maintain a healthy weight because high-protein diets are associated with greater satiety. Always serve some food that is rich in protein. There are plenty of natural protein sources i.e. quinoa, nuts, beans or leafy greens like spinach or broccoli.

Weight Loss Hack #3: Don’t miss breakfast
Considering how crucial it is to take breakfast, avoiding it may result in overeating later in the afternoon. Professionals recommend that you stick to a reasonably sized breakfast with plenty of protein, which will keep you fuller longer and temper the urge to stuff your face later.

Call to Action

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Ula Stefanowicz
Writer for

Cofounder of eatpal — the mindful eating assistant. Our mission is to build the easiest nutrition assistant to capture, reflect and analyze our food habits.