Review: 2019 LA Times’ The Taste — Eat. Travel. Go.

Kathy Leonardo
Published in
10 min readSep 4, 2019


A work of foodie art by Mister O’s; photo by Richard Bilow; courtesy of ETG;

Each year The TASTE, presented by the LA Times, takes place over Labor Day weekend. Los Angeles residents, tourists and foodies alike look forward to this annual event. It’s a wonderful way to try the cuisine of multiple restaurants while enjoying an inside peek of the New York back lot at Paramount Pictures.

The Taste crowd; photo by Richard Bilow; courtesy of ETG;

I have attended this event since 2011 and look forward to it every year. I loved bumping into famed food critic, and co-creator of The Taste, Jonathan Gold who would always say hello and ask “are you having a good time?” “Yes, I would exclaim.” For those of you who don’t know, we lost Jonathan last year (prior to the Taste event in 2018). This year’s festival spotlighted him at the entrance with his now famous saying “Five Rules for Dining in LA” as well as his profile in lights, situated for all to view and contemplate.

The quality of the food being served continues to be excellent…I could go on about each and every dish. However, this would turn into the never-ending article, so here are a few of my favorites from each night.



Kathy Leonardo

A freelance journalist for fifteen years, Kathy founded which spotlights all types of events, art, music, theatre, dining, travel, etc.