2 min readNov 3, 2023


I bunked my yoga classes, and you also took a day off. We had to spend some time, quality time as they say. Seated across yet neither of us could initiate what we intended to. I sensed some awkwardness seeping into us. You were restless, I could say it from your fidgety fingers. Our breathing was abrupt. It was a struggle at first. Strange to find ourselves uncomfortable around so much comfort. It was by some uncanny doing that we ran out of words suddenly. A few moments passed in waiting for the other to start. Slowly we mustered up the courage to do the least, keep quiet, stop trying, and stop exaggerating. We could have used it to do a lot of things but we chose not to and in this mutual choice that we made without any preconceived notion, we found something that we would not have found otherwise. We found something liberating, a newfound sense of freedom and belongingness at the same time. The Freedom to be each other’s refuge, to enjoy the pleasure of doing nothing together, to be each other’s home and not a chore, to stop playing roles, pleasing each other, following endless to-do-lists like a human machine and rather be content in offering nothing, in knowing that we do not even have to talk when we are together, trying to fill some dreaded assumed void when there is none. I knew you knew it too. There was space in between that was intentionally left by us, for us and it was in this gap that we saw each other deeply, freely, devoid of any pressure or purpose. We were simply co-existing without any agenda, attentive to each other’s presence in the absence of words and just like that, we created a place for joy to flow without the effort. It was the best Monday of our life.


