The 9 Key Elements of Brand Strategy

Arek Dvornechuck
Published in
4 min readJun 20, 2020

Every successful brand is composed of many different elements, each one being unique and distinct, but they all work together to create an effective and differentiated brand strategy.

Your brand strategy gives you a unified plan for everything from the core of your business and the positioning of your brand to It formulating a brand persona that resonates with your target audience.

An effective brand strategy helps you define key aspects of branding your business.

Think of it as setting the pathway for everyone else who is going to work with the brand.

From designers, to marketers, to developers and of course the C-suit executive.

So when you define the key elements, you will get clarity on how to build a strong brand.

The 9 Brand Strategy Elements

Here is a list of nine components that are fundamental for forming an effective brand strategy.

  1. Brand Purpose
  2. Brand Vision
  3. Brand Values
  4. Target Audience
  5. Market Analysis
  6. Awareness Goals
  7. Brand Personality
  8. Brand Voice
  9. Brand Tagline

The brand strategy framework comprises of 3 sections with 3 elements in each one, totaling in 9 branding exercises.

So without further ado, let’s discuss each of these 9 brand strategy elements in more detail.

1. Brand Purpose

First, you need to know why you’re in business and talk about it to rally your team and foster connection with your audience.

Finding the purpose or greater cause behind what you do is fundamental.

It is simply the WHY behind what you do as a brand, aside from the obvious reason — making money.

Brand Purpose — Find the purpose behind what you do.
Brand Purpose — Find the purpose behind what you do.

When your brand has a clear purpose, it will help you:

  • Attract cult-like following
  • Makes more sales
  • Grows faster
  • Get better ROI

So finding your brand purpose is the first and probably the most important elements of developing an effective brand strategy.

2. Brand Vision

Second, you need to Influence long-term business decision to ensure the brand is navigated towards the right direction.

Having a clear vision will serve as the roadmap for where your brand is heading.

A clear vision helps in determining your goals for growth, and will directly influence your business decisions.

Brand Vision — Have a vision of where you’re going.
Brand Vision — Have a vision of where you’re going.

You must have a bold vision that can challenge and motivate you and your team, but at the same time your vision must be realistic, so that people will believe in getting there.

When your define a vision, it helps you:

  • Dream big and inspire people
  • Make meaningful business decisions
  • Stay on track and “on brand”

A brand’s vision, after its purpose, is the next in order key element of branding a business the strategic way.

3. Brand Values

Third, you need to determine your core values and create a culture and driving force for what to stand for in the world.

Determining your core values will help you create a culture and driving force.

By defining you core values, you can determine how your brand will be perceived in the marketplace.

Brand Values — Determine your core values and philosophies.
Brand Values — Determine your core values and philosophies.

This is allow you to guide communication and decision-making so that your brand remains consistent.

Your brand values will show customers, suppliers, and the general public what the business stands for.

Just like the other two elements of brand strategy, your brand values guide your brand internally and helps with decision making.

4. Target Audience

Four, you need to understand your audience well so that you can address their problems and needs with relevant solutions.

Knowing your target audience is key to positioning your brand in the market.

In the positioning section of your brand strategy, the most important component is defining your target audience and uncovering details about their lives.

Target Audience — Know your target audience to resonate with them.
Target Audience — Know your target audience to resonate with them.

You can start defining your target audience by building a profile of your average target customers.

This should include their demographics, problems they face, emotional inclinations as well as behavioral patterns.

Most importantly, you must discover their aspirations, hopes, objectives, and goals, so that you can position your product/service as a something they want and need.

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