Tax Refund in Spain

EBCoin Team
Published in
2 min readJul 24, 2019

The number of visitors arriving in Spain is 82 million tourists, which would make Spain the world’s second most visited country after France. Tourism industry accounts for 16% of Spanish GDP.

How to shop Tax Free in Spain

1. Go shopping and get your Tax Free form

2. Get your Tax Free form Customs approved

3. Return your Tax Free form to Premier Tax Free and get your refund

Euro (€)

VAT rate:
Standard 21%, food and some optical goods 10%, medicines and pharmaceutical goods, books, magazines and some food 4%.

Shoppers eligible for VAT / Sales Tax refunds:
Non-EU residents.

Minimum spend:
90.16 Euro

Where to get Customs approval:
Last EU departure point.

Time limit for Customs approval:
3 months after the month of purchase.

Required for Customs approval:

· Fully Completed Tax Free form

· Purchased goods

· Purchase receipts

· Passport

· Travel Documents

Refund options available:

· City Cash* — You must return your Customs approved Tax Free form to Premier Tax Free within 21 days of purchase

· Airport Cash*

· Credit Card (including UnionPay Credit or Debit Card)

· Cheque

· Alipay

*A cash fee will apply


· If you receive a City Cash refund in your shopping destination, you must get your Tax Free form approved by Customs and return it to Premier Tax Free within 21 days or your credit card used for guarantee will get charged.

· At the airport, please allow enough time for Customs approval process before your flight departs.

· Make sure the goods are sealed and unused.

· If you are a resident of the Canary Islands, Ceuta or Melilla your Tax Free form can be duly export validated by the respective Customs, previous payment of the IGIC Tax in Canary Islands and the IPSI Tax in the case of Ceuta and Melilla.

· If you are departing a Spanish airport but changing flights at another EU airport, and if the goods you are exporting are to be checked through to a destination outside the EU, go to Customs at the Spanish airport and your Tax Free form will be export validated as if you were at the EU departure point. In smaller airports, there may be no Customs Official present, in this case, look for the Customs deposit box and instructions.



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