Eber Devine | Tips for Consider before Getting into the Consulting Business

Eber Devine
Eber Devine | The Daily Pennsylvanian
4 min readJul 25, 2018

Most people nowadays prefer to start their own consulting business instead of working for someone else. And why not, after all, this is one of the most rewarding and fastest-growing professions in today’s modern business world. However, becoming a successful consultant is not easy for everyone. It takes a special type of person, to be a successful consultant and you need to analyze — If you are that person?

Here are few things you should ask yourself before getting into the consulting business:

Am I A Self-Starter?

Working as a consultant means being your own boss and being a leader like Eber Devine is not an easy task for everyone. A leader needs to handle many responsibilities for carrying out the performance each day with perfection. Preparing goals for everyone, and holding yourself accountable. You have to be a motivated self-starter if you want to succeed in consulting.

Am I Willing To Do Administrative Tasks?

When you become a consultant, you have to wear so many hats which means you need to perform many roles to run a business not just the consulting part. Therefore, You must be able and willing to handle every administrative task that comes with running a consulting business, including, processing invoices, opening the mail, answering the phone, answering emails, and the like.

Am I Willing To Market My Services Effectively?

Your customers are not going to just fall into your lap; you’ll have to fetch them and market your services effectively. And to make it possible you can use a combination of advertising, networking, personal sales calls, and the like.

Am I Willing To Take Some Risks?

The rewards of becoming a successful consultant can be fabulous, but reaching to that point you need to face many hurdles financially, professionally, and personally. Are you willing and prepared to face these challenges? And are you ready to take risks to overcome these challenges?

Is My Family Supportive?

Eber Devine — CEO of Eber Devine Group believes that behind the success of every individual is his family support. Once you become a consultant, you’re not the only one whose life is going to change dramatically these changes will have an effect on your family as well. They play a large role in your journey of being a consultant, whether it’s cutting back on expenses until your consulting business takes off, accommodating your need to work irregular hours, or simply getting used to your working from a home office.

Is My Credit Good?

Once you become a consultant, you’re going to responsible for both expenses and income, and that almost always means needing access to credit. Therefore, it is advisable to review your credit status before starting your venture. It will give you a clear picture of how much and what type of credit is likely to be available for your needs.

How Long Am I Willing To Work At Being Successful?

Everything takes time including being a successful consultant. No one can tell the exact time it takes to become successful in the respective field, because it varies from person to person. Furthermore, you should consider realistic forecasts in your business plan to estimate how long it will take to get established and move into profitability, which in turn will help you in making a decision if you’re willing to invest the time necessary to reach that point.

What Does The Marketplace Look Like For My Field?

Once you have established potential demand for your consulting services, take a closer look at the actual marketplace for these services. Analyze the market like whether the market for your services is mainly local, regional, or national, how many others are offering the same kind of services, and what the going rate is for your type of consulting services.

Am I Willing To Seek The Right Kind Of Help?

Being a consultant, you have to do that everything on your own is a myth. That is why Eber Devine advice every new entrepreneur to not afraid or hesitant in seeking the right kind of help, whether it’s learning how to market effectively setting up your billing system, uncovering profitable networking opportunities, handling administrative tasks, or the like.

Source By: Eber Devine



Eber Devine
Eber Devine | The Daily Pennsylvanian

Eber Devine from Philadelphia, PA has fifteen years management experience in the fast-paced environments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1GHYYRmWoo