Paint it Emily Bronte Style!
A Reading Memoir

Ensieh Moeinipour
Published in
3 min readNov 4, 2020

“What are you reading?”, people kept asking me for a whole week. I could not put the book away till I read it cover to cover.

The Gallery Ticket

I started my student life in a medical college. For a fan of literature, living where fiction has no say was too tough to be tolerated. I found solace within the shelves of the faculty library. I frequented that section more than the department or my classes. If anyone was looking for me, the library would have been the first place to check.

The Journey

I remember reading a translation of “Wuthering Heights” in the frosty days of that autumn. How picturesque can a gloomy grey county be painted! Respect and praise to Emily Bronte for the wonderfully detailed tour of the Heights. I finished the translated version in less than a week. Then, I bought the original and read _nay, studied_ that one. I saw the characters in my dreams as if they were no fictitious being. I devoured Emily Bronte’s only novel over the brutally cold seasons of that year.

All of a sudden, I stopped. I did not want to read a review, nor watch an adaptation. I wanted the painting to remain original and intact. My imagination has accomplished manifesting a whole life with the help of Emily Bronte. I needed no more than her own words to see what she saw.

The Unique Style of Emily Bronte

Wuthering Heights is no game, no wandering of careless characters for pages in a row. It is the accurate what-you-would-see manifestation of real life. Bronte does not tell you a story, rather she walks you through every bit of her characters’ living. Her style is nowhere near the boring how-did-I-ever-end-up-here trending descriptions of the time.

The Thirst

I am a follow-up style reader i.e. when I find something interesting I will not let it go until I have read and seen whatever that is even remotely related to it. For Wuthering Heights no follow-up reading was required! Whenever I missed the characters or the setting, I simply went back to my book and satisfied my thirst.

The Issue of Time

Recently, I realized that I do not have as much time as reading a rather thick novel may require. Sadly, this lack of time never seems to get resolved. There is always something or another to do, and rarely a moment of peace to sit down and read a hard copy in the comfort of one’s pyjamas.

My Little Secret

I am most probably not the only one struggling with my time _ and sure, misery loves company _ but I found my way out of this dilemma and I would like to share my secret with you. Ebiblo has been helping me, for a few weeks now, to get my daily dose of reading in the most efficient way possible.

One-Click Away Help

Ebiblo is a mobile application in its beta test stage, which provides its users with an invaluable library of classics, a network of similarly interested readers and most importantly minimum-focus optimized reading blocks on which you can create multi-media notes for further contemplation along with interaction with books and other readers. The application is now available for iOS and Android users. Get your Ebiblo and enjoy!

