Market Research: Thought Leadership

Abbas Ahmadi
Published in
6 min readSep 25, 2020


Thought leadership is a term that we struggle with since the term gets thrown around a lot, so we were hesitant in researching the market for it because the definition which we view thought leadership isn’t the same. But once we saw the stats there was no denying that the market for it is growing, with or without a solid definition.

Even though the market is growing, that does not necessarily mean we have more thought leaders. We just have more people using the term and mostly exploiting it for attention. Nonetheless, we can expect a few good individuals from the crowds of self-centered and self-proclaimed leaders.

With this in mind, we would like to share what we have found about the market of thought leadership. The reasons why people fail in becoming successful, the competition they face in their community, the constraints of their community, and so on.

The reason and source

The first and most important thing that we found is that thought leaders are underestimating the power of thought leadership content, compared with the feedback gathered from buyers of such services. Service providers don’t think that their content can generate demand or affect the outcome of their business. While buyers are looking for better thought leadership, and they are basing their buying decisions on their…



Abbas Ahmadi

CEO at | Startup advisor & investor | Say “hi” via email: abbas(at)ebiblo(dot)com