Tron Legacy

Leif Fescenmeyer
ebreakdown Posts
Published in
2 min readMar 10, 2010

Just recently, Disney has released the official trailer for the upcoming Tron sequel, Tron Legacy, staring Jeff Bridges.

Tron has always been near and dear to my heart ever since I first saw it way back when I was young. The graphics of the original Tron, back in the day, do not hold up to the graphic standards of today but, that doesn’t matter to the lovers of Tron (me). It’s not all about the special effects, it’s about the story line. A real life human is taken into the computer where he has to fight against the MCP to free the rest of the “computer world” alongside Tron. What a great story line even to this day.

Tron Legacy appears to have the same styling of graphics, but updated to the demands of a contemporary general audience. Jeff Bridges makes a comeback in the sequel; which brings a smile to my face. I’m not sure of the story line just yet, but given the deep love and admiration of the first movie by fans, I’m sure Disney will try their best to not disappoint. (I say that as I cross my fingers.) And, if it’s any indication that Disney is putting forth their best effort in creating a great sequel, it’s by using Daft Punk as the group to produce the soundtrack. (I can’t wait to get my hands on that.)

The Tron Legacy trailer looks amazing. I’m so energized every time I view it. I can’t wait until December!




Leif Fescenmeyer
ebreakdown Posts

Part digital, part social, part strategy, part planner, part brand, part awesome at Havas Worldwide. And of course, these thoughts are my own.