How to add the eByte Token to your MyEtherWallet

eByte Blockchain
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2018

German version:

Here is a short Guide on how to add the eByte ERC20 token to you MyEtherWallet.

1. Go to

2. Open the “View Wallet Info” tab.

3. Your account will be displayed.

4. Now you need to connect the eByte smart contract to your account:

4.1. Click “Add Custom Token” on the the “Token Balances” section (see image below).

4.2. Enter the eByte smart contract address
into the field “Token Contract Address”.

4.3. Enter “EBYTE” into the field “Token Symbol”.

4.4. Enter “8” into the field “Decimals”.

4.5. Click “Save”.

5. Click “Show all Tokens”.

6. Now you can see your EBYTE balance.

For any questions regarding the eByte ERC20 token head over to our Telegram or Discord channel.

eByte Team



eByte Blockchain

The eByte project uses its own Blockchain technology, to establish the first international payment and contract system for the eSports community.