5 Ways to Generate Qualified Leads using Content Marketing

Israel Chukwuemeka
Ecagon Technologies Blog
5 min readMar 3, 2020

Many business owners and marketers fail because they don’t know how to grow enough leads or potential clients.

It’s because they’re not following the online sales funnel:

They’re failing to move web visitors from the awareness stage into the consideration stage.

They think that, by just telling someone to buy from them, they’ll make a sale.

You must attract leads with valuable and informative content.

Then move them down the funnel by directing them to your email form.

But how can they become leads with they don’t know how to sign up?

Here are the five ways you can generate qualified leads with content marketing.

1. Offer lead magnets with Facebook Ads

Facebook’s advanced technology has made targeting qualified leads much easier.

They use their ocean of data to discover and predict the buying habits of their users.

They know your preferences, hobbies, and personal information.

But most importantly, they know the preferences of your target leads.

Take advantage of Facebook Insights by running ad campaigns.

But be mindful when using Facebook Ads. Most marketers fail because they use them incorrectly.

Facebook practices passive advertising. They try to make ads look as natural as possible so they don’t interrupt users.

But people aren’t going to sign up just because you have an email newsletter.

Incentivize leads to click by offering a lead magnet.

A lead magnet is a valuable piece(s) of content related to your target audience.

Here’s a list of potential lead magnets:

2. Insert content upgrades

Convert more leads by adding content upgrades to your blog posts or transcript pages.

A content upgrade is a less-intense lead magnet that’s proven to double email opt-in rates.

They’re easier to create and share.

A visitor who’s consuming your content will be nicely interrupted by a box/banner offering more valuable information.

When they click the link, they get a pop-up asking for their email address.

To get the most leads, your upgrades should be relevant to the content you’re discussing.

3. Webinar collaborations

A webinar is a live video session where you present content or teach viewers something new.

You can host a webinar yourself and offer it as a lead magnet. Or you can promote it to existing email subscribers.

But it’s more effective to partner with an Influencer or brand as a joint webinar.

Webinars are harder to set up than a blog post. But they leave a better lasting impression.

You’ll build a more personal connection with your audience by expressing your voice, personality, and mannerisms.

Most webinars have a Q&A section or a chat room where you can engage with your attendees.

To promote your webinar, create a blog post about it and promote it to your current list. Ask your partner do the same.

4. Upgrade your landing pages

Maybe you’re not converting enough qualified leads because your landing pages are too poorly designed.

Your web copy is too self-centric instead of customer-centric.

Or your lead magnet is outdated and your landing page doesn’t work anymore.

These are common mistakes. So don’t feel bad.

But you do need to fix them.

Update your copy by explaining how your product or service can help your leads.

Use customer-centric language by researching the terms your target audiences use in online forums, YouTube videos, and book reviews.

Attract leads by testing different landing-page design elements.

That’s how Unbounce helped a client increase conversions by 1250%.

Here is the original page:

Here is the new landing page

5. Guest blogging

Another way to get qualified leads is to guest write for blogs that are popular in their niche or industry.

Guest blogging is effective because you’re collaborating with sites that have succeeded in capturing your target audience’s attention.

It’s the attention that you need.

But before you start pitching, you must do this first:

  • Research popular blogs (or podcasts) in your target leads’ niche.
  • Brainstorm evergreen ideas that will benefit your audience.
  • Create a lead magnet connected to your email marketing service.

The last task is super important!

Lead magnets are how you’ll directly get leads.

To build a great lead magnet, it has to be “highly relevant to the content of your guest post and the overall theme of your target blog.”

You could share links in your description

I highly recommend that you share a link to the lead magnet’s landing page in your guest writer’s bio. Don’t share your website!

If you would like to know about 4 more ways to generate qualified leads, we published an article “9 Ways to Generate Qualified Leads using Content Marketing”

Click the link to Read Full Blog Post

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