Ecaresoft Internship Program: Summer 2018

Jorge Camargo
Ecaresoft’s Blog
Published in
4 min readApr 20, 2018

Are you looking for a job this summer where you’ll have a real impact and gain real world experience? Our Summer Internship Program might be what you’re looking for.

Internships at Ecaresoft are project based and focused on creating a high impact for our customers, our products, and our company. You can forget about spending the whole summer fetching coffee for someone else or dealing with mundane tasks.

The main purpose of our internship program is to create a platform for you to learn, have fun, and get to know our culture & team. You’ll be assigned a mentor that will guide you during your internship and help you get the most out of your time at Ecaresoft.

All of our internships are paid and require a commitment of 10 to 12 weeks of full time work between May and August (specific start/end dates are flexible).

What we’re looking for

You love what you do. Be it graphic design, development, sales, etc… you want to become a “master” of your craft through constant learning and experimentation. You enjoy understanding your profession from first principles.

You don’t need a babysitter. We value responsibility, that means we don’t need someone looking over our shoulders to make sure we’re doing the right thing. Everyone is treated as an adult and has to act according to one.

Big appetite for learning. We’re looking for people that are eager to learn new technologies, methodologies, and approaches to doing things. We don’t believe in experts. We believe in always learning.

Any given Friday @ Ecaresoft

How to apply?

We want to know about you. What you like, why you decided to study whatever you’re studying, what you’re expecting from this internship, why we should hire you, etc. Be creative and honest. Send us an email with a couple of paragraphs, include your CV, link to your portafolio/blog/github profile or any other relevant site if you have one. But remember: a good cover letter is way more important to us than how “full” your CV looks.

Have a look at the open positions we have for this summer 👇🏻 and mention which one you’re applying for in your email.

The Internships

Graphic Design: We’re looking for someone with an eye for clean and functional design that wants to grow their brand design skills, and learn UX/UI for mobile and web applications.

You’ll be working in a multidisciplinary team with marketeers, product managers and developers. Have a look at our dribbble account — if you like what you see (and think you could add value to it) this position could be for you!

Marketing: The information age is dead, now is the time to tell stories. For this Marketing Internship position we are looking for someone to help us tell stories. Stories about how we are pushing the healthcare industry, stories about how our clients or prospects can tackle their own “jobs-to-be-done” with our software. This can be achieved with awesome copywriting, video, animations, blogging, podcasts, etc…Whatever you think is good, we want to learn from you and you will learn from us.

Inside Sales: Are you doing a business or marketing degree with an interest in sales? Or just an interest in sales in general? This is definitely a position you want to check out. You’ll be working in the intersection between Customer Success and Sales with the Nimbo team to help convert our free-trial users into paying users through email automation, cold-calling, and our in-chat conversations. You’ll learn how to use best-in-class tools like Hubspot and Intercom to achieve this.

Software Engineer: Do you want to learn from some of the best in the game and upgrade your skills? We’re looking for Computer Science students that want to put their knowledge into practice. We have all sort of projects planned for this summer that you can participate in: from DevOps to Data Science to mobile dev. Our tech stack is pretty wide (Elixir, EmberJS, Rails, Java, Python/Django…) but you’re welcome to suggest the tech stack you want to work with for your project (did I hear Rust?). Make the most out of your summer, work with other talented programmers, and have fun!

Customer Success: We’re looking for someone who enjoys a challenge and wants to learn about the healthcare industry. If you’re interested in IT and are studying a health-related career (Physician, Biomedical Engineer, Nursing) or a financial-related career (Accounting, Finances) you would add great value to the team.

You’ll be working with a multidisciplinary team of clinical and financial consultants learning different things such as EHR/ERP/HIS and their usage on Hospitals. If you like solving problems, dealing with people and enjoy IT (as a user) this position could be for you!

Lead Research Representative: We are looking for a Lead Research Representative who has strong analytical and communication skills, and is also interested in starting a career path in Market Research, Data Analytics or Sales.

You’ll be collaborating with the Marketing and Sales teams to help them achieve the organization’s goals. If you are a team player and are hungry to learn come join the most successful team in LATAM. You can read more about this position here.

Sounds interesting? Shoot us an email to! 🚀

