Attracting the right attention to your Social Feed.

Fi Stephenson


It’s really important as a business to attract the right attention. Especially now, because of the ever evolving updates to social media, it has never have been more vital to project the perfect image.

  1. It key is showing actual examples of what you do so people can see the real you and be encouraged to click follow
  2. If you are selling a product, encourage your consumers to share their purchase so that you can repost this onto your own profile. You could do this by sending a follow-up email encouraging them to share their purchase on instagram. Include a business card with each shipment with an invitation to share on the back ‘share on instagram and twitter — don’t forget to tag us @eccemedia…’
  3. It’s always good to keep a post relevant if there is an occasion or national day. For example on Mother’s Day you could set a scene with flowers and a your product, with the caption “Give your Mum a special #gift on Mother’s Day! #print #canvas #mothersday” if you time it right the subject should be trending and gives you the opportunity to get more potential views.
  4. If you add in small objects from other companies in your post tag them in. This may encourage them to like/ retweet or repost the image which will connect their consumers to you.
  5. Keep in mind commenting on your consumers profiles and people you want to connect with also helps to create a great business images and encourage more social media interaction.
  6. I would also look regularly on the social media profiles of your competition so that you can keep up to date with what they are doing and see how you can use an idea in your company’s style. This a great way to keep up with your industry trends and keep up with your competition.

So those were some of my tips and tricks on attracting the right attention. If you have any questions please get in touch with me Follow Ecce for more tips and tricks to come.

