Daro’s Award Winning New Website

Jules Haines
Published in
2 min readNov 7, 2018

“We were looking for a website to integrate into our accounts software, Ecce managed to do that seamlessly, quickly, and overcame every hurdle we put in front of them.”

- James Stone, Managing Director, Daro UK.

Daro sells high specification kitchen drawers and accessories, stocking in excess of 40,000 products selling to over 2,000 B2B customers.

The Challenge

Daro had invested in a new ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system, Greentree, which manages all their accounts, customers, phone orders, stock control, invoicing and suppliers. There is no provision within Greentree for an online ecommerce store, so they came to us for a solution…

The Results

Ecce designed and developed a website which facilitated the Greentree integration. We used our own in-house ecommerce platform — Ensemble, which provides secure access to the data held within Greentree.

Not only did we develop a beautiful, quick and efficient website but we were are able to achieve a slick user experience for desktop and mobile customers.

The Impact

The new website increased online sales by 2000% in the first three months. We automated key business activities, removing the need for double entry and streamlining online operations which have saved Daro hundreds of staffing hours.

As a result of the success of the website launch, Daro revised their business plan to include new ambitious goals.

