Five ideas to improve your company social profile

Fi Stephenson
2 min readAug 5, 2016


Part of my job here at Ecce Media is managing our social media accounts. Just like any other online marketing it’s good to take time out now and again to review how well you’re using Social media. Good tactics and strategy change all the time, and what was working last year might be failing you now. So over the next few blogs I’m sharing the tricks and tips I use for Ecce Media. Offering up some advice companies can use to increase their social media following, in the time it takes to have your lunch. First up are Hashtags.

Quick Hashtags tips

  1. On Instagram and Twitter you need to use hashtags in order to get noticed by your target audience. As it is difficult to be found when you’re just starting out or only have a small number of followers. Using Hashtags properly can solve that.
  2. Using general hashtags relating to your industry. Put these on all instagram posts (we use: #design #webdesign #webdev #website #icon #branding #social). This is something I now swear by. I saw a dramatic change in the amount of interactions, following and likes we were getting as a company once we started.
  3. On posts for both Instagram and Twitter use hashtags which are relevant to the post. E.g. “Get your #summer #prints printed onto one of our old-style #canvases” or “Get your summer prints onto one of our old-style Artwork” #summer #prints #retro #printing #fun”. This helps to grab extra attention from accounts you might not normally attract or interact with.
  4. Look at your competitor’s posts. Watch what they’re doing and what’s trending to see if your missing a trick and can get in on the act.
  5. Don’t use too many hashtags though. This can look like you’re desperate for likes and may steer accounts from following you.

A great thing to put just before a hashtag is one or two emoji’s. This helps to relate to what you’re saying and puts a bit of fun into your post!

So those were some of my tips and tricks on hashtags. If you have any questions please get in touch with me at Follow Ecce for more tips and tricks to come.

