Work Experience… does good

Fi Stephenson
Published in
2 min readAug 4, 2016

So it’s the Summer well supposedly by British standards. This means school’s out and there has been a lot interest in joining us for some work experience. We’ve had seen two work experience placements in the last month and are getting enquiries for more.

Work experience does mean sacrificing some of your summer… but something I would definitely recommend for both a student or as a business.

When I was 14 I had no idea what I wanted to do and with the ever increasing and daunting questions from my teachers did not help. But I did have the chance to work with a graphic design company in London. This changed my perspective of how I looked at work and what I wanted to do after I finished school.

I got to work with all the materials that the employees worked with, given advice, taught lifetime skills in photoshop, and got to work in a design workspace. Even getting the chance to go to Photography Studio and eating homemade banana bread.

Yes, not every work experience is like this, but that’s what great about it! You get to experience different things and discover whether you’ve found the career for you. For me I’d found it!

This experience made me want to go straight to work after passing school. Being able to experience these things not just at a work experience placement but as an employee. Making me determined to find an apprenticeship!

Now being on the other side, I feel it’s important to share my experience, showing the students who come to Ecce what it’s like. By helping them understand briefs which are given, and teaching skills which they wouldn’t learn at school. The skills I still use today!

So if you are stuck looking to fill your time this summer why not try looking for a few weeks work experience. It will look great on your CV, provide you valuable experience and if you find the right place, can be awesome fun. If web design and development is your goal drop me an email ( to see if we would be a good fit.

