How to bake accessibility into your company culture

We’re sharing our 3 key ingredients so that you can create a culture of accessibility at your workplace, too.

Jennifer Tweedie


What started a couple of years ago with a few passionate individuals has since evolved into the ecentricarts Accessibility Team (EAT), a cross-disciplinary and cross-project team that represents roughly a third of the company. Our regular discussions and knowledge sharing has lead to more accessible solutions, billable work, and happy coworkers. We’re a group of allies who work hard to build beautiful, accessible sites, and to learn something new every day.

Here are the three key ingredients you’ll need to create a culture of accessibility in your organization, agency, or studio:

1. Find/attract passionate people

Look for prospective employees who are already champions of accessibility, but don’t shy away from those with less experience, either:

  • Our level of expertise may vary, (our job titles vary, too) but we all share the same willingness to learn
  • We’re also motivated by the belief that everyone should be able to access information online (other motivations include snacks and a good sense of humour)

Give the champions who are already in your organization the proper time and tools to help educate others:

  • Invest in great people so that they can help recruit more champions
Members of the accessibility team laugh while viewing a presentation in a bright meeting room

2. Start a working group

Allot non-billable time for employees to get together and discuss accessibility-related things each week:

  • The agenda should be up to the attendees — some people may have a design or code question to present to the team, while other sessions may focus on specific WCAG standards or accessibility legislation
  • (We suggest that the members prepare a loose agenda ahead of each meeting, but the main goal should be that everyone leaves the room having learnt something new)​
  • Try to give the group some autonomy — if they’re as motivated as our team is, they’ll self-organize, learn a lot, and have fun in the process

​​Encourage anyone to attend — back-end developers, content strategists, project managers, you name it! Accessibility isn’t just for designers and front-end developers

Allow other communication channels for ad-hoc questions, or notable accessibility news:

  • Encourage everyone in the studio to reach out to members any time they have a question or concern
  • EAT has an open slack channel where useful links, news and questions are shared​
  • Common questions vary from “How can I make an accessible version of this feature?” to “One of my clients is interested in an inaccessible feature; how can I suggest a better solution?”
  • Some questions are addressed over slack or in person, while others (if time allows) can be tackled during our weekly meeting
The ecentricarts accessibility team meets in the same room each week to share and learn accessible solutions

Document your resources and give everyone access:

  • Try to store working group notes on your company server or a shared Google Drive folder
  • Record good (and terrible) examples of accessibility during each meeting — you can learn a lot from both!

3. Become advocates in and out of the office

As the working group’s collective skills increase, start compiling notes and teach others:

  • Hold a series of accessibility Lunch & Learns in the office
  • Distill key lessons or quick wins into short presentations for the entire studio
  • Lunch & Learns are great opportunities to recruit/remind other coworkers that they’re welcome to join the working group

Organize your own events or purchase tickets to local accessibility meet-ups:

  • Events are a great way to put your company on the map and show your expertise
  • We recently went to a11yTO’s first conference, and last August, we hosted a successful day of accessibility talks with fellow North American Kentico CMS partners

Connect on social media:

  • Twitter is still alive and well in the tech sphere — a lot of developers, designers, agencies, and accessibility leaders are frequent users
  • Track the hashtag #a11y for the latest web accessibility articles and use it to take part in the discussion or promote your own accessible work
  • We recently created an #a11y all stars Twitter list featuring our favourite accessibility mentors
  • Sharing accessibility-related content on your social channels is also a great way to keep accessibility top of mind within the company and for your followers

Now, combine ingredients & bake until ready

Like most good food, it might take time for your work’s culture to develop, and you might have to tweak your recipe once in a while. However, if you stick to it (find the right people, keep learning, and start sharing) you could end up with a solid batch of engaged web accessibility advocates… Just like these fine folks, below!

Friendly members of the ecentricarts team standing in front of a white wall in a sunlit studio

If you’re in need of an accessibility overhaul or a bit of guidance to get started, we’d love to hear from you! Fill out our contact form and let’s get in touch.

