Announcing the ECF Web 3.0 Infrastructure Fund

Mitch Kosowski
ECF Review
Published in
2 min readSep 8, 2018

The Ethereum Community Fund is proud to announce the ECF Web 3.0 Infrastructure Fund! This fund will deploy 10,000 Dai (equivalent to $10,000 USD) monthly for 6 months to fund GitHub issues on popular Web 3.0 repos that do not have more established funding. This is a mechanism to speed up development in existing projects in Web 3.0, and to bring new developers into the fold.

The Gitcoin platform is a perfect fit for this initiative as it has an active development community eager to use their skills on great projects in the space.

The Gitcoin Issue Explorer enables developers to find issues that match their skillset

This fund came about after a successful run of a pilot program. A quick post mortem for this study:

  • 5,000 Dai was deployed across 24 GitHub issues in 6 repos: exthereum, EthereumJS, gnarly, Solium, WalletConnect, WALLETH, and web3j
  • The average funding per issue was 208 DAI (equivalent to $208 USD)
  • At the time of this writing, 13 of these issues have been completed, 8 have been started, and the remaining 3 are still open (take a look here, here, and here if you’d like to participate!)
  • Of the issues that were completed, 16 days was the average completion time
  • 11 (!) new developers were onboarded and completed issues for repos that were new to them. This was great to see, really awesome to bring new blood to great projects 👍

The pilot program was a success but did not go off entirely without a hitch. Gas prices spiked during the study and there were a few hiccups in the processing of Gitcoin bounties, which both led to a few delays in paying out of some bounties.

The good news is that gas prices have returned to a more sane level and also that the team has worked hard to streamline the processing of bounties so we expect these delays to be greatly minimized going forward.

Are you a repo maintainer interested in applying to this fund?

To apply, please submit your Github issues your project could use help with using the Gitcoin Requests feature, being sure to include ‘ECF’ in the comment.

Bonus points will go to repos that ensure they price bounties appropriately for the effort associated with the work (here’s a guide on how to price these bounties).

All repos within the Web 3.0 space are encouraged to apply, but special consideration will be given to those most actively used by the community that do not currently have more established funding. Happy developing!

