Aug 10.2017 — Change Log

Echo Games
Echo Games: Official Mission Logs
5 min readAug 10, 2017

Echo Arena Patch Highlights

Skill-based matchmaking has been fixed and is now working as intended. Like, for real this time.
We were able to successfully squash the Win/Loss tracking errors which were directly impacting matchmaking to do its job. With that fixed, you should now find yourselves matched against players around the same relative skill level as yourself, though it may take a few hours of games to help the system better understand your skill level and who to match you up with and against.

Hera’s joined the party!
For players entering Echo Arena from the Tutorial, Hera will be there to guide you through the basics of becoming the glorious robot sports champion you’ve always dreamed of being. This includes lessons on sportsman-like conduct, Arm Computer 101, and a scenic tour of the matchmaking terminals to help you on your way to virtual fame and fortune.

After Hera’s done helping you out, she’ll mysteriously disappear…. Spooky!

General Updates

  • Individual player stats have been fully reset — LEVELS ARE NOT AFFECTED. To complete the steps needed to fully resolve the Win/Loss bug that persisted in our last update (and to give matchmaking a strong start), we’ve reset all stats.
  • Matchmaking has been adjusted so a game will not begin until there’s at least one player on each team. If you notice that your matchmaking is taking a prolonged period of time and you’re in a region with a low number of VR players, this is likely due to it waiting to find you an opponent before putting you in an empty arena. Please let us know how you feel about this change compared to its previous functionality!
  • Added a “Shadow Quality” option in the graphics settings.
  • Additional logging added to help the team track down more issues. Boring for you, but exciting for us!

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue where some players were getting an entitlement error when trying to launch Echo Arena.
  2. Fixed a crash that could occur if a player had selected “Mute Everyone” in the Arm Computer while in a match.
  3. VOIP levels should now be properly adjustable in the audio settings menu.
  4. Fixed an issue where the game would fill out the Blue Team before it permitted players to join the Orange Team.
  5. Fixed an issue where Echo Arena settings were getting replaced with Lone Echo settings (only impacted those launching Echo Arena from the Lone Echo app).
  6. Fixed some matchmaking-related memory leaks!

Known Issues


  • Lone Echo owners will need to add the stand-alone Echo Arena app to their Oculus Library to launch Echo Arena through the Lone Echo Main Menu. Once that’s done, this will “entitle” your account and you can then boot Echo Arena from the Lone Echo main menu. You do not need to install the stand-alone Echo Arena app.
  • Players using the Windows 7 operating system are reporting a high frequency of connection errors such as “Cannot Connect to Server” at the main menu, or getting a blackscreen when connecting to a match and getting dropped back to the main menu. Players who have updated to Windows 10 report that these issues have almost entirely subsided.


  • Sometimes the gates to the launch tubes are closed when entering a match. They usually reset after a team scores, at which point you can go through them and join your teammates.


  • If you’re holding a prop or toy in the Lobby when pressing “Find Match”, the game client may become unresponsive or crash. This is rare, but it does happen. It can best be avoided by keeping your hands to yourself when you’re ready to join a game. 👐
  • When an uneven number of players attempt to find a match simultaneously, there’s a very rare bug that one of the players will fail the enter the match and their matchmaking tablet will be stuck on the “Finding Match” status or they may receive a “Creation Failed” error. If it seems to be taking awhile to get into game, press “Cancel” on the tablet and try again.


  • Some players may notice that the team scoreboard in a match isn’t updating for them, or shows all 0s for every column. This bug corrects itself at the end of a match with the round-end scoreboard. Until then, enjoy the mystery!
  • Muting via Arm Computer can behave oddly; sometimes it shows a player is muted when they’re not, or selecting to unmute a player may take a few attempts to succeed.

Lone Echo Patch Highlights

The long-awaited Performance Patch has arrived!
We’ve been working extra hard on optimizing many different sections of Lone Echo in order to address crashes and dropped framerates (typically experienced when exiting Kronos II or in the airlock). We hope these changes make your experience buttery-smooth while you enjoy the wonders of space!

General Updates

  • Added more logging to help us narrow down some additional places we can keep optimizing.
  • If a player’s hardware is under 12GB of RAM, default settings will be changed to “Low”.
  • Added a “Shadow Quality” option in the graphics settings.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed an issue where the replacement Fuel Rod at the primary dig site wouldn’t respawn when lost. You’d think an advanced AI would know better than to throw around expensive space equipment….
  2. Fixed an issue where the defibrillators in the [REDACTED] couldn’t be unsocketed.
  3. There was a button on Liv’s feet. Who knows what it did, but it’s gone now.
  4. Fixed an issue where tools that should have been enabled after the emergency were not.
  5. Credits were fading to black unintentionally. That will no longer happen.
  6. Drop points should no longer appear upside down. Not that it matters very much because “space”….
  7. Fixed a crash related to scan data. Too much knowledge!
  8. Fixed a bug where there were overlapping Fury Transports outside of the Kronos II. We’re all very disappointed in the lack of 2 Fast 2 Fury-ous jokes.
  9. Fixed an issue with particles and textures popping in.
  10. Fixed floating handles on the exterior of the Kronos II. Who built this thing anyway?
  11. Fixed an issue where Echo Arena settings were getting saved when selecting “New Game”.

Known Issues


  • Lone Echo owners will need to add the stand-alone Echo Arena app to their Oculus Library to launch Echo Arena through the Lone Echo Main Menu. Once that’s done, this will “entitle” your account and you can then boot Echo Arena from the Lone Echo main menu. You do not need to install the stand-alone Echo Arena app.

Compatibility and Performance

  • Players with 8GB of RAM (or less) may experience performance issues.



Echo Games
Echo Games: Official Mission Logs

Lone Echo and Echo VR are Ready At Dawn's line up of virtual reality games featuring zero-gravity movement & full body presence.