Echo VR — Comfort & Safety Patch

Echo Games
Echo Games: Official Mission Logs
4 min readAug 15, 2019


Patch 24.0 brings new features and bug fixes to Echo VR.


  • Comfort & Safety
  • Arm Computer optimizations
  • Bug fixes

Comfort & Safety

Comfort & Safety brings several new tools to Echo VR to customize your social experience and make social interactions safe and fun for everyone. For ease of access, you can Ghost or Mute players even while matchmaking in the Lobby.

If you believe a player is violating the Code of Conduct, please send in a report to our Account Admin Team. More information about reports and banning can be found in our Echo VR FAQ here.

Comfort & Safety Tools — Ghosting

If you find yourself in a Lobby with a rogue Echo Unit, you can now Ghost them via your Arm Computer.

To Ghost a Player:

  1. Open your Arm Computer
  2. Find their username
  3. Select the orange button to the right of their name
  4. Select “Ghost”

Players that you’ve ghosted will turn into grayed out Cube-Sats. Ghosted individuals will “disappear” when entering your personal space and won’t “reappear” until moving away from you/out of your space. Players you’ve ghosted will remain ghosted until you choose to unghost them. You can also access the Ghost All tool from the Pause Menu.

Note: Echo Units you’ve ghosted will remain muted but be unghosted in areas of the Lobby where players directly interact with each other, like the Skirmish Zone and the Punching & Blocking Area of the Brawler’s Room for example, and during matches. When you leave interactive areas, these players will be ghosted once again. This is to prevent you or other players from being startled by eliminations or stuns by an “invisible” player, and prevent any confusion about future bugs, etc. Ghost All resets after each transition.

Comfort & Safety Tools — Muting

If you find yourself in a loud Lobby, you now have the option to mute individual players, the entire Lobby, or yourself via your Arm Computer.

To Mute a Player:

  1. Open your Arm Computer
  2. Find their username
  3. Select the orange button to the right of their name
  4. Select “Mute”

To Mute Yourself:

  1. Open your Arm Computer
  2. At the top of the social list, select the blue button to the right of your name
  3. Select “Mute”

You can access the Mute All tool in the Pause Menu or via your Arm Computer.

Arm Computer Optimizations

The Arm Computer’s Social Panel and Matchmaking Panel have been optimized for ease of use and revamped with a new clean and sleek design. Players will now have full access to the Arm Computer while searching for a match! Hooray!

New Feature- Matchmaking Elapsed Time

  • Players can now see their estimated matchmaking times, as well as the amount of time they’ve spent matchmaking.

Known Issues

  • Matchmaking sub-menu buttons won’t work if you queue for a match and then cancel the search (going back to the Primary Podium Menu may fix this issue).
  • Rift S users may rarely have their audio crackle/become unclear.
  • Players will hear the “Joined Party” audio prompt multiple times in quick succession when accepting an invite.

Bug Fixes

Echo VR (General)

  • Fixed an issue where the nameplate color for accounts flagged as ‘Developer’ would be inconsistent when viewed in the Arm Computer
  • Fixed an issue where the HUD indicator for a player talking while in a Combat body would appear incorrect to other players
  • Fixed an issue where players would briefly appear near the center of a level when first loading in

Echo VR Lobby

  • Fixed an issue where the timing for alternating images on the posters was inconsistent
  • Fixed an issue where the visual FX and sound FX in the mini arena appeared delayed when viewed from afar
  • Fixed an issue where the button to switch bodies would sometimes be greyed out and inaccessible in the Customization room
  • Fixed an issue where ordnance could be thrown outside the Combat Training Area
  • Fixed an issue where player voices would inconsistently become distorted and difficult to hear

Echo Arena

  • Our Dev Team is working hard to bring Echo Arena to Quest! Stay tuned for more info coming soon™.

Echo Combat

  • Fixed a grammatical error for the text “Instant Repair”
  • Fixed an issue where ordnance would sometimes appear to be left behind and be non-functional when grabbing/holstering using both hands


  • Fixed some minor graphical issues throughout the map



Echo Games
Echo Games: Official Mission Logs

Lone Echo and Echo VR are Ready At Dawn's line up of virtual reality games featuring zero-gravity movement & full body presence.