Lone Echo | Replacement Save Files

Echo Games
Echo Games: Official Mission Logs
3 min readNov 4, 2020

(SPOILER ALERT: Please only read as far down as you need to, as there may be hints to certain plot developments)

The following is a list of Lone Echo Master Key Save Files (consecutively ordered) that will allow you to progress past any game blocking bug that you may have encountered along your zero-g journey, such as not being able to socket a fusion core or battery or reset the sensor array. If you’re encountering crashes or black screens, this may help you, too. The downside to this work-around is that it will reset your collectible tracker. You can still go back and collect what you’ve missed.

In order to apply these save files please follow the instructions below:

1. Navigate to the game’s save directory in the Oculus folder

2. Default location is C:\Program Files\Oculus\Software\Software\ready-at-dawn-lone-echo\_local\saves\slot0

3. Copy and paste the original save file you intend to replace into a safe location, such as your Desktop (just in case the new save file doesn’t resolve the issue)

4. Paste the new save file into this directory

5. Play the game and have fun!

(SPOILER ALERT: Please only read as far down as you need to, as there may be hints to certain plot developments)


This save will start you at the beginning of the game

· Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17wJmPaJm4V5H04cz7bx5JIWNclQJlI33/view?usp=sharing


This save will start you just after the Tutorial sequence

· Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14-jEiXRdTm5esckvkXo0jZicojmmXNwR/view?usp=sharing


This save will start you in the cargo hold of the Kronos station, just before Liv asks you for your choice of missions

· Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tyclLFcFAD8uaSVKHiI93ptN_VuYC8fY/view?usp=sharing


This save will start you in the cargo hold of the Kronos II station with all missions complete, ready to head to the airlock EVA area

· Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wRFG1mxu8Y-rkOgZlYLCom-XMWYtVG8r/view?usp=sharing


This save will start you just outside the airlock of the Kronos II station, ready to start the exterior missions

· Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gkyfa7gPo_Bnr1XQYIiQc4vRuAnS8gtz/view?usp=sharing


This save will start you at the Depleted Dig Site with all exterior missions completed

· Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ni2CcBZSDyKFrmfHmXIRlggOls_zYWZ1/view?usp=sharing


This save will start you at the Depleted Dig Site after having completed the Sensor Array scan of the Anomaly

· Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/171NaT-hInQEAssf6WRWwTTvcoI9IlCo2/view?usp=sharing


This save will start you in the damaged Kronos II station

· Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kWoxzT3vjNpCBxi7bR8SmhybVFkwl43A/view?usp=sharing


This save will start you near the Fury module after having activated the Damaged Satellite

· Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1M56AXr0GR5irjy-XD3OI1y2D6DgQMQwF/view?usp=sharing


This save will start you in the airlock of the Unknown Ship

· Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XWOGmO5lFYU9_fl3K6_rGN5V8tR6zqIw/view?usp=sharing


This save will start you in the Unknown Ship’s AI room

· Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OJwN-bZwe-CZj0TxabS2RLedHpPGpbEm/view?usp=sharing


This save will start you in the Unknown Ship’s Pod Room with the generator online

· Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SGNgywCV67Mr7ykRaoJXEPA1zlN8k4Th/view?usp=sharing


This save will start you in the Unknown Ship’s Life Support Room just before you are reunited with a certain someone…

· Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K0VGkPphKuRBxTAJcsV-0hZ2JmstNx9l/view?usp=sharing


This save will start you in the Unknown Ship’s Reactor Room after having completed the activation mission

· Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13Ygj_uB3CJwwhjamwop4t1CZVtoOqIHX/view?usp=sharing


This save will start you on the way to the Unknown Ship’s Bridge with Liv

· Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16oYRV8FzYkRXOBC6qshSz7IafsMydS16/view?usp=sharing

Let us know if this works for you guys, or if you have any issues, in the Lone Echo Support Channel of the community Echo Games Discord.

Thank you for playing everyone!



Echo Games
Echo Games: Official Mission Logs

Lone Echo and Echo VR are Ready At Dawn's line up of virtual reality games featuring zero-gravity movement & full body presence.