NPS: The world’s most powerful business metric is now on Echo

Echo Mobile
Echo Mobile
Published in
4 min readSep 27, 2018

How loyal are your customers? Do they recommend your company to their friends, family, or colleagues? Why, or why not? The Echo platform’s exciting new Net Promoter Score (NPS) features can unlock the answers.

Echo Mobile’s new NPS question type automatically creates NPS surveys for deployment via SMS. The Echo platform’s new visualizations then calculate and track your NPS for you, providing powerful and actionable customer insights to help improve your business in real time.

What is NPS?

Developed by Bain & Company and first published in the Harvard Business Review in 2003, NPS is simply the best way to understand your potential profit growth as a function of your customers’ loyalty to your brand.

NPS is the growth metric for Amazon, Apple, and most Fortune 1000 companies; for revolutionary startups like AirBnB and Netflix; and for a growing number of small and growing businesses around the world, including leading African social enterprises and Echo users like M-KOPA SOLAR.

Fundamentally, your company’s NPS will reveal customers’ willingness to recommend or tarnish your brand via word of mouth. Especially in Africa, word of mouth remains the primary way businesses attract or lose customers, which makes NPS essential for understanding business health.

NPS requires just one simple question, with customers rating their likelihood of recommending your company, brand, product or service on a 0 to 10 scale. Echo then uses this rating to sort respondents into three categories:

Your NPS is then calculated as the difference between the percentage of promoters and detractors, with scores ranging from -100 to 100:

In essence, low NPS means negative word of mouth. Left undiscovered or unchecked, this can be devastating to your business. You can take action now with just a few clicks on the Echo platform.

NPS through SMS

SMS remains the most popular communication channel across Africa and the perfect medium to deploy a free NPS survey from the Echo platform to your customers. To make it as easy as possible, we’ve added an NPS question type and NPS scales to the platform’s survey builder:

You can use the survey builder’s logic feature to add a series of open-ended follow-up questions based on each customer’s score to determine the ‘why’ behind each response:

Setting up these NPS questions takes just a few minutes, and Echo’s scheduling feature can be used to send to customers at regular intervals or based on individual customer behavior.

Visualize NPS on Echo

Once you’ve started conducting NPS surveys, the Echo platform’s new NPS Analysis page will calculate and visualize your results in real time. No exports or manual analysis required:

With these game-changing new features, you can now affordably and continuously monitor customer loyalty and retention; identify and respond to reputational risks; and track your marketing and customer support efforts in real time.

Ready to catch up with the world’s most successful companies to ensure the future health and growth of yours? These NPS features are now live on your Echo platform account.

Log in and put them to work for you!* Or contact with any questions.

*If unable to see these features, just log out and then back into your account



Echo Mobile
Echo Mobile

Echo Mobile provides technology and services that enable organizations in Africa to engage, influence, and understand their target audiences.