How to Use Snapdragon Spaces With echo3D

Published in
3 min readSep 19, 2023

echo3D is proud to partner with Qualcomm and their premier headset the Snapdragon Spaces! 3D asset management platforms like this one support the 3D backend regardless of the hardware, which means you could build for different headsets seamlessly by using an API key to reference a 3D model on the echo3D cloud!

In this demo, you will load in the player 3D assets and control other 3D assets in the Snapdragon Spaces headset using hand gestures.

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  • Open the sample scene HandTrackingScene.
  • Add the 3D models ‘Player’ and ‘Mirror’ from the Models folder to the console.
  • Add the metadata. You can use the data files in our Data folder. In the tags filed, write “handTracking”.
  • In the echo3DHologram prefab in the echo3D Runtime folder, add your API key.
  • Disable the Mirror and Player objects in your Unity scene. Save your progress.


Simply press the Play button in Unity.

Learn more

Refer to our documentation to learn more about how to use Unity and echo3D.


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echo3D ( is a 3D asset management platform that enables developers to manage, update, and stream 3D, AR/VR, Metaverse, & Spatial Computing content to real-time apps and games.

