How Augmented Reality is Changing the Marketing World

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4 min readOct 1, 2020

Today’s markets are strongly driven by the purchasing preferences of individual consumers. As consumers’ attention span declines and their familiarity with multifarious marketing strategies grows, it is getting harder and harder to provoke consumers’ interest in a particular product and to highlight such product’s differentiating factors compared to the alternatives available for purchase.

Fortunately, groundbreaking augmented reality (AR) technology has been developed to match the everchanging nature of consumers’ preferences and needs. AR is revolutionizing existing marketing strategies and is helping to draw the attention from weary consumers. AR is quickly becoming a new and unique marketing tool for business-to-consumer (B2C) engagement that is reshaping the shopping experience of everyday customers.

1. Immersive Shopping Experiences

Using AR technology, a business can create an immersive shopping environment that attract customers. Nike and Snapchat’s campaign of “dunking with LeBron James” using AR technology is a great viral example of AR application in marketing. Lego also offers in-store AR experiences and many other companies integrate AR in the marketing of their products. Companies like Poplar (a fellow RLab alum of echo3D!) and 8th Wall are helping their clients create such AR-based marketing campaigns.

AR also offers businesses the option of adding digital components on top of their physical locations. Imagine yourself walking into a store without needing to wait for a salesperson to assist you, since a virtual assistant can answer any and all questions you might have. Using in-store virtual assistants allows a business to serve more customers at any given time, while lowering costs and increasing efficiency. Companies like Tensator, Media innovations and Soul Machines are already humanizing the visitor management and consumer shopping experiences.

2. Try before you buy

We previously covered how AR is promoting a “try-before-you-buy” revolution in the fashion world. In the world of e-commerce, a prominent reason for customers being reluctant to place an order is not able to experience the product beforehand. This is true not just for fashion but also cosmetics, furniture, and other consumer-facing industries. Customers want to be certain that their new lipstick would suit their skin and that their new table would fit their dinning room. With AR, prospective customers can try those products before they buy them by using the AR features of their mobile phone. Customers can also benefit from a 360 degrees view of any product. Sephora, IKEA, Gucci, and many other companies are adapting suchAR technology, to positive reviews.

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3. Augment marketing materials

AR can also transform marketing materials such as business cards and brochures by adding an AR component to them. Customers can scan printed materials with their mobile devices to access a range of additional information. Using image recognition (including QR codes), business cards can become unique self-marketing tools. By using echo3D, the same marketing material can even serve different clients. Consumers in China, for example, may get information tailored to them by scanning the same brochure that will display different information to consumers in the UK. AR can save you the cost of producing numerous marketing materials and allow you to present the most appropriate content to your target audience, all while allowing you to update and change the information in real-time.

echo3D (; Techstars 19’) is a cloud platform for 3D/AR/VR that provides tools and network infrastructure to help developers & companies quickly build and deploy 3D apps, games, and content.

