Social media traffic collapsed over Christmas — here’s how to cope with seasonal traffic fluctuations

Sebastian Huempfer
Echobox Insights
Published in
2 min readJan 5, 2017

It was the season of generous giving and joyful sharing. This could have been good news for social traffic: Instead of feuding around the Christmas tree, people might take refuge online. With many of us on our sofas, social media offered effortless entertainment until the gifts arrive.

Echobox data shows that each article shared during the holidays got 12% more impressions than during the rest of December. On New Year’s Day, the number of impressions was 17% above the average. But Christmas is not an unqualified blessing for social media managers.

Social traffic took a nosedive a year ago, when social media managers went away for the holidays and the number of shares made fell to a record low — even in countries where Christmas is not a major holiday.

The good news is that publishers can make a lot more of the opportunity that the holidays present. Even better, with the Echobox Autofeed enabled, this does not require keeping anyone in the office.

Next Christmas, you can give yourself a boost in traffic without lifting as much as a finger by following a few easy steps in advance.

1. Turn on the Autofeed. Now is the time to turn on the Autofeed and trust Larry, our friendly AI, to take the wheel. In fact, Echobox works best on the Autofeed, maximising social media traffic all on its own and freeing up your time. Give it a try over Christmas, and you might want to keep Larry around in 2017.

2. Arrange plenty of content ready to be published to your RSS feed, ideally at multiple times through the day. The Echobox Autofeed will ensure that the articles with the greatest social media potential are published at the optimal time to generate the best results.

3. Increase the number of reshares. Finally, to make up for fewer new articles being generated, simply increase the number of reshares that Echobox can make. This ensures a steady flow of content — and readers.

For more suggestions, or any additional help, get in touch at Larry and our support team will be happy to help!

