Dear Diary…

All beginnings have an ending…

A Wondering Wanderer
Echoes In The Ether
2 min readJun 6, 2018


Photo Credit: Dariusz Sankowski on Unsplash

Hey there, dear diary!
Nice to meet you again.
But, after years on this road,
Time’s up on our journey.

We rarely realize,
That word after word,
Our journal fills itself,
N’ how swiftly time flies.

But, what a wonderful gift
You turned out to be.
An anchor for choppy seas,
Saved me from being adrift.

Oh, the accidents it took…
For us to come together.
For this story of mine,
To find a place in your book.

Hopes n’ dreams, anger n’ screams,
Stained your pages with ’em all.
Yet you somehow held together,
Dangling between the extremes.

Many did I share before —
Memories too important.
Some best forgotten, but
Many still left to explore.

So, it is hard to let go.
Stitching, sketching, stretching,
What will be the last story,
That you’ll ever get to know.

But it’s a good reminder:
No one knows or controls,
The stories and pages,
They are left in the binder.

With nary a chance,
Too many end too soon.
I know I am lucky,
To get one more dance.

But here approacheth the end,
And even though,
There may be more,
None can take your place.
So, in this last little space,
Let me just say:
Thank you, and goodbye, dear friend!

For background on the poem and it’s inspiration, see details here.

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A Wondering Wanderer
Echoes In The Ether

A curious soul, trying to figure out this beautiful universe, and his place in it. Human. Philosopher. Poet. Software Developer by day.