Remote Working saves lives. PERIOD.

Gustavo Adrián Salvini
Echoes (of me)
Published in
3 min readMar 17, 2020

I was working remotely since my very earliest times as a worker -when I was 14 years old, working in many adventurous jobs I had invented for myself- (from being a BBS Sysop, an FTSC Network Manager, to Remote Developer in the late 80’s and early 90’s, passing through so many activities that were “naturally executed online” or remotely without any friction or impediment).

I also did it as a Unix System Administrator, as a Teacher, an Advisor, a Consultant, a Forum & Community Manager, a Web Designer/Developer, an Innovation and Creativity Manager for so many projects around the world, that put me in touch with several cultures, languages, different people and idiosyncracies that made myself richer in cultural terms, and so on… nowadays).

One of my desktops in 2015.

I aim to keep doing this way, doing this kind of work without frontiers and ubiquituous, not anchored to any specific three-dimensional coordinate, but from anywhere to anywhere.

For me doing this kind of remote work is something natural, I don’t ever think about geographical positions or limits when I do my job.

I always wondered (with a very BIG QUESTION MARK) WHY in so many areas that were not considered to be directly linked to information technology, “remote work” was given so little prominence as a generator of benefits from whichever way you look at it?

Remote Work is more sustainable, it reduces unneeded travels and commutes to offices and other places where you don’t really need to be physically -obviously not every work can be done remotely, but there are many activities that in fact can be done remotely also better than from an office or a crowded place full of distractions, and a lot of time and energy lost in trips and commutes… and sometimes risking also to be assaulted in not very friendly means of transport or places.

But NOW, TODAY some things are URGENT. With this pandemic that concerns us all in one way or another, and that affects us all in one way or another, we MUST URGE and MUST ACT RIGHT NOW.

Contagiousness is avoidable if we stay home. So #StayAtHome please!

Try remote working if your activity allows it. And you will earn much more than health, you will also acquire practices and tools that will serve you to generate value throughout your life.

Try remote working and please #StayAtHome as much as possible and you will never regret it, because you will be saving lives in one way or another, including -potentially- your own life, and as a great bonus, you will be also expanding your own capabilities and pushing your boundaries for work, for learning and for the projects that in the future you can create.

But first of all: DO IT TO SAVE LIVES.

Then, when everything becomes somehow quiet and easy again, you will find yourself stronger and more capable to help the others, to improve many things, to be more a creator or a producer than a mere consumer of stuff. Then you’ll find yourself plenty of tools to boost your creativity and imagination, and you will surely make this World a better place.

#StayAtHome #workRemotely #RemoteWork #SaveLives #HelpOthers #BeAHero

Gustavo Adrián Salvini — March 17th, 2020.

“Desparramo creativo” / “Creative Scattering” (2015)



Gustavo Adrián Salvini
Echoes (of me)

Argentina, Italia, WebDev, Travels, Photo, Music, Trekking, Languages, Lifelong Learner, Digital Nomad wannabe @SfidaStudios @ItaliaVive @EcimTech @Uruguay_Vive