Implementation of HMR(Hot Module Replacement) to Angular Project

Erkan Güzeler
Published in
3 min readMar 9, 2020


Hi everyone,

In this article, I would like to show you how to implement HMR-Hot Module Replecament to your Angular project.

When developing a project with Angular’s default configurations, whenever you saved your project(Ctrl+S) the project is recompiled. The whole project recompiled. This situation may cause time loss when developing.

At this moment, I did some research, and I found HMR to decrease recompilation for Angular.

Create New Project

Let’s begin to create a new project with angular-cli like below command.

ng new hmr-sample

The output is like below image.

create new app with angular-cli

Successfully created a project and you also run with

ng serve --open


What is HMR (Hot Module Replacement)

Hot Module Replacement(HMR) is a feature of Webpack. The HMR updates your angular project without whole project recompile and reload.

You also check it out this website for more information about HMR.

Let’s go to implementations.

Firstly we need to add a new enviroment to use HMR.

Environment for HMR

Add a file to src/environments/environment.hmr.ts and insert below contents.

hmr environment

After added above file, we need to update src/environments/ and add the 'hmr' property like below.

hmr prod environment

After added above contents we need to update default environment(src/environments/environment.ts) properties like below context.

default environment

After adding to environments this contents we should update angular.json file. We will enable hmr when the project build and serve. Add below contents to your angular.json file.


Please attention this, the <project-name> is your project name. My project name is hmr-sample.

We should add types to src/ as node.


After above configuration you should use HMR with below command.

ng serve --configuration hmr

If you would like to add shortcut you should add to your package.json below contents.


After adding above configuration to project, we should add @angularclass/hmr module as a dev-dependency.

$ npm install --save-dev @angularclass/hmr

Create a file called src/hmr.ts with the following content:


After added above contents to your src/hmr.tsfile, we need to update our src/main.tsfile like below contents.


After added above contents to our project, we have finished implementation of HMR to our Angular project. You easily run your app with below command.

$ npm run hmr

You will see the a message about HMR is enable like below in your terminal.

NOTICE Hot Module Replacement (HMR) is enabled for the dev server. 
HMR enabled image

When you change your files and save them, the hmr will automatically change your contents without recompile and reload whole project.

Let’s compare between HMR enable and not enabled situations.

Without HMR

Without HMR your project will run like this.

HMR not enabled video.

As you see below video, when you make a change your project and saved, your project will always recompile and reload. This becomes a boring situation over time.

With HMR

Now with HMR is enabled scenario. Run your app like below.

npm run hmr
HMR enabled video

At this video you see, your project not reloaded every changes and It is faster than before.

You can find the project source code on my github profile.

I hope you enjoy when reading…

Have a nice coding.


  1. WebPack Hot Module Replacement
  2. Angular CLI Github

