Conversations #2 — Michael Cholbi (Transcript)

Eclectic Spacewalk
Published in
59 min readDec 20, 2019


Originally published on Substack Newsletter: HERE

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NICHOLAS MCCAY: Hello and welcome to Conversations by Eclectic Spacewalk. I am your host Nicholas McCay and today I’m joined by Michael Cholbi, professor of philosophy at Cal Poly Pomona, who’s research is principally in ethics with particular emphasis on suicide, grief and punishment. Welcome to Conversations Michael.

MICHAEL CHOLBI: Thank you. Glad to be here.

NM: Thank you so much. So, let’s jump right in, lots of talk about. First and foremost, where were you born?

MC: I was born in Portland, Oregon. My father ended up there after the second world war. He was a World War II veteran and was stationed in Vancouver, Washington and though he was from New York City, he found the city to his liking and stayed at a time when Portland was really just kind of a sort of large small town in the 1940s and 50s. So I grew up there. I was born there and then grew up in some areas east of the city. First in a rural area then I suppose more in the suburbs. So I…



Eclectic Spacewalk

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