Conversations #9 — Eric Schwitzgebel (Transcript)

Eclectic Spacewalk
Published in
61 min readJul 8, 2020


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A conversation with Professor of Philosophy, Eric Schwitzgebel —

NICHOLAS MCCAY: Hello, everyone. Welcome to Eclectic Spacewalk Conversations. I’m your host Nicholas McCay, and today my guest is Eric Schwitzgebel, Professor of Philosophy at the University of California Riverside, and the author of A Theory of Jerks and Other Philosophical Misadventures. Welcome to Conversations Eric.

ERIC SCHWITZGEBEL: Hey, thanks for having me.

NICHOLAS MCCAY: Where were you originally born?

ERIC SCHWITZGEBEL: I was born originally in Boston, Massachusetts. I lived in Waltham, nearby, until I was age seven. Then we moved out to Thousand Oaks, California, a suburb of LA.

NM: How was that transition for you at an early age, Northeast to Southern California?

ES: I remember waiting on the school bus in the snow, I remember some of my old friends from there, and I remember the nuns at the Catholic elementary school I went to. That’s kind of about it.

NM: What did you want to be when you grew up?



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