Eclectic Spacewalk — February 2019

Here is a sampling of the best content I consumed this past month. Enjoy scratching your brain’s curiosity itch!

Eclectic Spacewalk


Here is a sampling of the best content I consumed this past month. Your guide to thinking about the future with wisdom from the past, so you can navigate the present. We live in the greatest time Humanity has ever experienced. Let’s start acting like it!

Also published on my website:

Also published on

  • Books
  • Audio books
  • Top 15 Articles/Essays
  • Podcasts
  • TED Talks
  • Videos
  • Lectures/Debates
  • Documentaries
  • “For the Road”
  • “Best of the Rest” Articles/Essay

Book(s) —



Eclectic Spacewalk

We live in the greatest time Humanity has ever experienced. Let’s start acting like it!