Seeking seren(dip)ity?

The start of an advent calendar for 2023

Jason Mesut
4 min readDec 1, 2023


As I write this, I’m fresh from a beautifully deep counselling session that was so meta to this challenge.

My challenge. Another advent calendar of writing. And maybe other forms of expression. Who knows?

But this time it’s different. I’ve changed. And am (always) changing. Just like you.

A different advent calendar

An advent calendar of many things

This time I’m taking a broader perspective. A resistance to a closed frame. A tentative expose of many facets of my thoughts and feelings.

Whereas previous advent calendars have focused. This one is blurring. More eclectic. With, a narrower source.

Previous advent calendars have included UX tools and techniques. The infamous Shaping tools I have used and developed. Or eclectic techniques around service design. Or designed transitions.

A Mesut of many a pursuit

Some of my many personas

I expect it to be an expression of the many sides to my self. This Mesut of many a pursuit. Self indulgent. Possibly. Helpful to others. Hopefully.

Music. Design. Coaching. Consulting. Strategy. Identity. Family. Parenting. It could be all of these and more.

Serving several sides

Serving myself and others

My purpose is to serve my self through serving you. And others.

I will definitely appreciate positive reaction. Helping myself feel seen. And normalising aspects of me. I love to be different. And also it’s nice to know that others have similar thoughts and feelings to you.

I’ll also aim be curious about critique. Helping me appreciate diverse perspectives which fuel my curiosity.

Seeking serendipity?

Thanks Midjourney

It’s a journey towards even greater serendipity.

Maybe more connection. Maybe more opportunities.

New generative seeds. Or little fires. Or opening a bunch of different boxes. Or different cans of worms.

Whatever the metaphor. There’ll be stuff that opens other stuff.

Embracing the maybe mode

A picture of one of my favourite sweeatshirts that I’ve started wearing again

Funny that I write this and my Hemingway editor likes to be more certain. Fuck you Hemingway! I’m hedging. Who said certainty was right anyway.

Fuck you Hemingway. Maybe i’ll be bold AND hedge

I have no idea what will emerge. I am seeking serendipity along the journey. And after.

I’m going to embrace my Maybe Mode.

Seeking serenity?

Thanks Midjourney.

In my therapy session today, we explored what I might get from knowing some things about myself. About my potential impending Diabetes. About my potential ADHD.

I guess I’m seeking a few things. Maybe the opportunity to close some boxes. Get some certainty. Gain some control. Or to learn to let go more. To feel more free, either way.

Maybe to get some contentment. Maybe some serenity. I’d love a bit more serenity in my life. Or I think I do at least. I guess like others, I’d like a bit more ease. More calm. More freedom. Or at least more free feeling.

This exercise is another step towards that.

Seeking resonance

On the other hand, maybe I’m seeking new excitement. New volatility. Maybe I’m just seeking things that better resonate with me at that time. Resonating in different ways. To who I am. Who I was. Who I want to be. What I want. Where I want to be. That feel right. Or feel fun.

I hope that some of it resonates with you. If not now. Maybe in the future. And if it doesn’t. No worries.

Big love,




Jason Mesut

I help people and organizations navigate their uncertain futures. Through coaching, futures, design and innovation consulting.