Che at EclipseCon 2019 — Part 2— Rainer Poisel: Migrating industrial-grade IDE to the Cloud

Sun S. D. Tan
Eclipse Che Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 8, 2019

G’day Eclipse community,

Few days ago, Jonas shared his experience of EclipseCon and what you will expect from his talk during the next EclipseCon 2019.

Today, we have the pleasure to meet Rainer Poisel who will come from St. Pölten, Austria. At EclipseCon 2019, he will talk about his experience on migrating an industrial-grade IDE to the Cloud using the Eclipse ecosystem.

This blog post is the second of a series where I give you a preview of the atmosphere of EclipseCon with few interviews of speakers talking about Che.

Enjoy the interview:

Sun: Hello Rainer, you have been several times to EclipseCon, could you tell us about the atmosphere of the conference and maybe one story that has marked you there?

Rainer: It will be my third time at an EclipseCon conference. We have been exhibitors for Eclipse IoT technologies both times (2014 and 2015).

logi.cals GmbH develops an Eclipse-based IDE (logi.CAD) for industrial automation applications. Our IDE allows to program a software PLC (also developed by logi.cals) in Structured Text (ST) and Function Block Diagram (FBD) according to the IEC 61131–3 standard.

At the conferences, I really enjoyed the opportunity to get in touch with project developers easily. This was even easier and a lot of fun when we started pouring out wine using our fully automated wine decanter.

Sun: What is your talk about and why should we attend your session ?

Rainer: Our talk is about the steps that were required to migrate an existing Eclipse-based IDE to the Cloud. We will provide details on the components used and the architectural challenges that had to be tackled in order to achieve the overall goal of implementing a Cloud-based IDE.

Attending the session will have the benefit of learning about the ups and downs of migrating an existing industrial grade Eclipse-based IDE to the Cloud.

Sun: How have you been involved into Eclipse Che?

Rainer: logi.cals aims at providing a cloud-based IDE for developing PLC applications in the course of the logi.CLOUD project. As logi.CAD is an Eclipse-based product, using Eclipse Che seemed to be the suitable framework to achieve this goal.

Until now, we mainly focused on developing Theia extensions only to get our editors running in the web browser. In the near future, we also want to start with implementing integration tests and the workspace management. This is where Eclipse Che will come into place.

Later the resource management of logi.CLOUD will most probably also be built on the Eclipse Che platform in order to manage the required Docker containers and Kubernetes clusters.

Sun: What is your favorite Che7 feature ?

Rainer: Our favorite feature of Eclipse Che7 is the improved integration of Theia into Eclipse Che. We hope that our custom Theia based IDE can then be seamlessly integrated into the Eclipse Che workspace management, resulting in much more functionality such as user management, workspace sharing, and resource management in addition to what our custom Theia-based IDE offers.

Thanks a lot, Rainer, for giving us some insights of your talk at the next EclipseCon. Here few links to keep up to date with Rainer’s activities:

In the next blog post, we will have a great time interviewing Roland Grunberg from Red Hat. Roland is working on Eclipse JDT: the engine behind Java intellisense in Eclipse IDE, Che and VSCode.

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Sun S. D. Tan
Eclipse Che Blog

Senior Software Engineer @RedHat (tiny unit within @ibm) Eclipse Che committer. OpenSource Minded. @parisjug team leader