Discover Eclipse Che 7 : devfile

Developer environments as code

Florent Benoit
Eclipse Che Blog
4 min readOct 2, 2019


In a previous blog post, we’ve experimented ready-to-use workspaces and how to write/run/debug code easily.

But when we are open a ready-to-use workspace, it seems that there is some magic:

  • The runtime already has language tooling
  • There is code completion with pre-installed plug-ins for the given language
  • The project is already cloned into the workspace, and we have commands to build, debug and manipulate the runtime

In this blog post, we’ll discover what drives this workspace magic: the devfile.


A devfile defines the configuration of the workspace, which is the developer’s environment. This definition is portable - we can create any number of identical workspaces from the same devfile. Anyone can share a devfile and everyone using this devfile will get the same workspace including projects, tooling, commands, etc…

devfile definition


To make exploration easier, we’ll use the hosted Eclipse Che service (version 7) run by Red Hat at

For our example, let’s start with a pre-built workspace Stack: From the user dashboard, click on Stacks in the left nav bar.

Starting with Stacks is the easiest way to begin working with devfiles

Now click on Python stack:

Python stack selection

The raw configuration section shows the devfile content:

The Python devfile
Detail from the Python devfile

Deconstructing the devfile


metadata.generateName is used for the workspace prefix name. When a user creates a workspace from the devfile, their workspace name will be named python-<random-4-digits-id>. By using instead of generateName there will be no prefix so workspace names will all use only that name, however, if a single user tries to create a second workspace from the same devile, they’ll get an error notifying them that they can’t create another workspace because one with that name already exists.


Describes the projects to clone into the workspace. The type field can be git or zip. In this case, we’re using git so we specify the repository URL (there can be multiple URLs to clone in multiple projects).

Alternatively, when using the zip type you can link to a zip file containing the project source code.


This example devfile uses two kind of components: a Che plug-in and a docker image.

The cheplugin type is used for plugins in the Eclipse Che plug-in registry. The id field includes the vendor name, name and version divided by slashes. In this case, latest is an alias to the latest stable definition of the plug-in. This Che Plug-in is a VS Code extension that is instantiated in a sidecar container with its own code and dependencies. This is held outside the source code container so that it doesn’t “pollute” the behaviour of the project itself.

The dockerimage type is used to generate the runtime container. In this case that includes everything in the che-python-3.6 nightly container build. The alias is what will be used to identify this container when we want commands executed in it (we’ll cover that in the next section). Setting the mountSources flag to true will make the projects source code available inside this container. Typically in the/projects folder. If you make it false then there will be no folder that uses attached storage (this is fine for certain use cases like teaching examples where code changes don’t need to be retained after the course unit is completed).

memoryLimit can be given in either case to change the default memory allocation.


Commands defined in the devfile will be available in the IDE.

In this example a new run command is defined. It is executing the source file with the python interpreter. The working directory is set with the workdir line.

The component: python line tells Che to execute this command in the container with the python alias (we defined that in the section above).

Variables can be used in commands like ${CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT} to specify the folder where the source code is mounted in the container.

Experiment with devfiles for yourself

You can click on different stacks from the Che user dashboard and see the associated devfile — this is a great way to discover more examples.

Read about the full devfile schema at

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Florent Benoit
Eclipse Che Blog

Working on Eclipse Che and Red Hat Code Ready Workspaces Twitter: @florentbenoit