Join us at Eclipse Converge

Stevan Le Meur
Eclipse Che Blog
Published in
2 min readMar 3, 2017

As you may know, EclipseCon NA is being replaced by Eclipse Converge and Devoxx US this year. These two new events will take place March 20–23, 2017 in San Jose, CA and the Eclipse Che Team will be out in force!

Eclipse Converge will be a dedicated day for in-depth Eclipse technical sessions with two Eclipse Che sessions planned:

  • How to provide a portable developer workspace with Eclipse Che? By Florent Benoit and Stévan Le Meur — Room B — Monday, March 20, 2017–12:00 to 12:35
  • Building an extension for Eclipse Che — an experience report By Jonas Helming — Room B — Monday, March 20, 2017–15:45 to 16:20

The first session is a great opportunity to discover one of the latest features added to Eclipse Che, called Chefile. Chefile is (positively) influenced by Vagrant. Where Vagrant treats a single VM as a broad abstraction as an “environment”, Chefile applies a similar abstraction to a developer workspace. During the session, we will show how to create a Chefile and make developer workspaces completely portable and sharable with others.

The second session is by plugin contributor. Jonas Helming from Eclipse Source about his efforts to bring EMF in Eclipse Che. This session will introduce the extensibility mechanisms for Eclipse Che and cover best practices based on his experience. It’s also a good opportunity to learn more about EMF in Eclipse Che ;) !

Eclipse Converge is an exciting program about Eclipse technologies and the greater Eclipse community. We hope to see you there in San Jose, March 20!



Stevan Le Meur
Eclipse Che Blog

Product Manager at Red Hat. Eclipse Che commiter. Geek, Design, Architecture and Kite surfing.