Release Notes: Eclipse Che 4.5

Tyler Jewell
Eclipse Che Blog
Published in
3 min readJul 21, 2016

This release includes:

  • New workspace URL schema
  • UX improvements: refresh explorer, side-by-side terminals, machine outputs
  • Configurable Docker API version
  • JGit implementation for git features
  • New resource manager

The signed or latest unsigned releases of Eclipse Che are now available. You can get started at

Configurable Docker API version

Docker API v1.12 introduced backward incompatible error response format, which cause problems in some cases. If necessary you can configure the API version used by Che’s Docker daemon. The minimum version recommended for Che is 1.20.

New workspace URL schema

Previously, we were using ws or ide prefix in the URLs to access a workspace. We’ve removed those to improve readability:


When you are using Eclipse Che, your {namespace} is ‘che’.

UX improvements: refresh explorer, side-by-side terminals, machine outputs

The root-access terminal in Che is critical to many users and being able to have multiple open side-by-side has often been requested…so now you can split the terminal pane and get side by side terminals:

Eclipse Che Side by Side Terminals

We also made it easier to see how your workspace container is running by accessing the workspace’s runtimes and machines outputs directly within the IDE:

Eclipse Che Machine Outputs

Finally, it is now possible to refresh the project explorer with a right-click action.

Implementation of Git features with JGit

Che’s git features are now relying on JGit instead of the native git installed in the workspace runtimes. This change provides better performance and more flexibility as git will be enabled into any workspace without requiring each runtime to have git installed.

New Resources Manager

We have improved the resources manager to increase performance when the IDE is interacting with files. Since we were in there we also reorganized the internal API for to make it clearer for contributors. The basic changes are to not use DTOs in client logic, only when transferring the objects, and make it easier to track changes in files by splitting the UI logic and interaction with project’s content.

Notable Bug Fixes

• Fixed upload of SSH key
• Fixed terminal not automatically opening in new workspace
• Fixed Che workspace to respect custom volume mount in Docker for windows beta
• Fixed change text selection hover
• Fixed wrong titles in the browser tab
• Fixed debug line and breakpoints disappear after refreshing browser

Community Thank You!

We’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who helped to make Che 4.5 even better:
Mario Loriedo — Red Hat — PR #1709 and PR #1708 : Che compatibility with Docker for Mac.
Mario Loriedo — Red Hat — PR #1576 : Improvements to set the right API endpoint URL



Tyler Jewell
Eclipse Che Blog

MD @ Dell Tech Capital. BOD @ NS1, Orion Labs. Prev: CEO @ WSO2, CEO @ Codenvy (acq. by RHT). Invest @ Sauce Labs, Cloudant, ZeroTurnaround, InfoQ, Sourcegraph.