Unleashing Foundation Funds: Insights from a Fundraising Workshop with Leaders of Color in Early Childhood

In a 2022 workshop, members of the Early Childhood Leaders of Color Collaborative convened to focus on fundraising and strategies for getting your foot in the door with foundations. Several key insights were shared by experienced nonprofit leaders. The session aimed to provide guidance on engaging with foundations effectively to secure funding. You can find more resources at the end of this. The following key learnings emerged from the workshop:

1. Foundation Fundraising Dynamics:

  • A foundation-fundraising relationship can be likened to dating someone and gaining the approval of their parents.
  • Challenges include crafting compelling grant proposals, demonstrating proof of concept, predicting decision-making timelines, aligning funding preferences with organizational needs, and gaining invitations.

2. Effective Introductory Meetings:

  • Warm introductions are invaluable; leverage existing connections and networks is key to getting your foot in the door.
  • A successful introductory meeting typically involves sharing intros, discussions, Q&A, and setting next steps.

Building trust in two key areas:

  • Competency Trust: Sharing personal history, identity, and work experience relevant to the cause.
  • Caring Trust: Finding overlaps in interests and highlighting relevant competencies.

3. Approaching Foundations:

  • Utilize warm connections whenever possible, fostering relationships within warm spaces.
  • Tools such as online directories and platforms like Instrumentl can aid in finding potential funders.
  • When initiating contact, employ concise emails highlighting your organization and expressing interest in potential collaboration.

4. Navigating Foundation Conversations:

  • Focus on areas of mutual knowledge and shared understanding.
  • Overcome the fear of asking direct questions about funding timelines, suitability, and expected support.
  • Tailor your approach based on the foundation’s size, mission, pace, and tone.
  • Tailor the ask depending on whether your organization is a 1-to-1 model or a scaler.

5. Effective Communication and Listening:

  • Listening is crucial; progress from listening with an agenda to creating space for dialogue and even understanding unspoken aspects.
  • Be prepared with thoughtful questions based on research before asking for funding.
  • Utilize resources like the Foundation Center / Candid to explore past grant recipients and tailor your approach.

6. Bridging the Funding Gap:

  • Acknowledge the racial funding inequities; BIPOC-led nonprofits often have less funding than their white-led counterparts.
  • Leverage white allies to address these inequities, build trust, and advocate for change.
  • Use CRM systems to automate and streamline fundraising efforts.

7. Foundation Site Visits and Requests:

  • Foundation site visits offer opportunities to showcase your organization’s work and mission.
  • Articulate your funding needs clearly, and understand the foundation’s grantmaking process and preferences.

These insights from the workshop provide a valuable roadmap for early childhood leaders of color as they engage with foundations for fundraising. By leveraging warm introductions, effective communication, tailored approaches, and addressing funding disparities, organizations can enhance their chances of securing meaningful support for their vital initiatives.

Additional Resources on the Topic

Collaborative Members! Access the full recording in our Mighty Networking community space for fundraising. Here are some additional resources and links that could be helpful for gaining more insights into fundraising and engaging with foundations:

Foundation Center / Candid (now Candid): Candid provides a wealth of information on foundations, grants, and philanthropy. It offers tools, data, and resources to help nonprofits research potential funders and understand grantmaking trends.

Website: https://candid.org/

Instrumentl: A platform that assists nonprofits in finding and applying for grants. It offers tools to streamline the grant-seeking process.

Website: https://www.instrumentl.com/

Early Childhood Funders Collaborative: A collaborative of funders in early childhood, good for understanding how funders in ecosystem think about best practices and resources.

Website: https://ecfunders.org/

Promise Venture Studio: a venture studio for social entrepreneurs in early childhood, access office hours on fundraising strategy and foundation prospecting.

Website: https://www.promisestudio.org/

Home Grown: collaborative of funders committed to improving the quality of and access to home-based child care.

Website: https://homegrownchildcare.org/

NonprofitReady: Offers free online courses on various nonprofit topics, including fundraising and grant writing.

Website: https://www.nonprofitready.org/

Grantspace: Provides a variety of resources, including webinars, articles, and training, to help nonprofits with fundraising and grantseeking.

Website: https://grantspace.org/

Network for Good: Offers fundraising resources, webinars, and tools for nonprofit organizations.

Website: https://www.networkforgood.com/nonprofit-resources/

Chronicle of Philanthropy: Provides news, trends, and resources related to philanthropy and fundraising.

Website: https://www.philanthropy.com/

The Nonprofit Times: Offers news, insights, and resources for nonprofit professionals, including fundraising strategies.

Website: https://www.thenonprofittimes.com/

Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP): An international organization that provides resources, training, and networking opportunities for fundraising professionals.

Website: https://afpglobal.org/

National Council of Nonprofits: Offers resources on nonprofit management, including fundraising and grantseeking.

Website: https://www.councilofnonprofits.org/

Grant Professionals Association (GPA): A membership organization that supports grant professionals through education and networking.

Website: https://www.grantprofessionals.org/

LinkedIn Groups: Join relevant LinkedIn groups focused on nonprofit management, fundraising, and grantwriting. These groups often share insights, resources, and opportunities.

Remember that while these resources can be valuable, the specifics of fundraising and engaging with foundations can vary based on your organization’s unique goals, mission, and context. It’s important to adapt the information to your organization’s needs and stay updated on the latest trends in the nonprofit sector.

