Weekly revue from Olivier Philippot — Issue #6

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Originally published at www.getrevue.co.

DO NOT LEAK VIEWS (Android Performance Patterns Season 3 ep6) — YouTube
I have find a lot of these leaks in my analyzes of application with Greenspector. Difficult a lot of times to find the reasons of these leaks.

Gradle Plugin User Guide — Android Tools Project Site
One binary for all… no, it’s better to make a binary by platform.

Improving UX through performance // Speaker Deck
One thing is important : library are good but sometimes there costs is high. To communicate in Android, Volley use HttpUrlConnection which use OkHttp. Keep it simple, use OkHttp

Cary Millsap: The Fundamental Challenge of Computer System Performance
Great article from @CaryMillsap : “Give your people time to fix inefficiencies in your code. An inexpensive code fix might return many times the benefit of an expensive hardware upgrade”

Spring-cleaning Unused CSS With Grunt, Gulp, Broccoli or Brunch
Unused CSS bloat the network, so interesting article to optimize your web site.

Cassandra Rewritten In C++, Ten Times Faster — Slashdot
Sometimes changing of technology is necessary.



Olivier Philippot
Eco-design of software by Greenspector

CTO of @green_spector efficiency and eco-design of software #greenit #ecodesign