Writing research proposal

Research Proposal Writing

  • Writing a research proposal is a challenging task due to evolving trends in qualitative research design and the need to integrate medical advances.
  • The proposal serves as a detailed plan for the intended study, aiming to facilitate a smooth research process.
  • Many proposals for post-graduate evaluation committees and funding applications are substandard.

Proposal Structure and Contents

  • A research proposal should have a cover page with the title, researcher’s name and affiliation, institutional affiliation, contact details, and signatures.
  • The introduction should outline the research’s backbone and the objective of obtaining approvals and grants.
  • The literature review should include relevant data, disagreements, and controversies, structured to show originality and innovation.
  • Aims and objectives should state the research purpose and hypothesis, with primary and secondary objectives.
  • Research design and methods should convincingly address the research problem with appropriate methodology and analysis.

Methodology and Ethical Considerations

  • The proposal should detail the population and sample, data collection methods, and address potential barriers and pitfalls.
  • Rigor in the research must be demonstrated through neutrality, consistency, and applicability.
  • Data analysis should explain coding, sorting, and the statistical tests to be used.
  • Ethical considerations include obtaining informed consent and approval from relevant authorities.
  • The budget should predict all research aspects and include an allowance for unforeseen events, with justification for all items.

Appendices and Citations

  • Appendices support the proposal with documents like consent forms, questionnaires, and patient information.
  • Citations are necessary for any scholarly research paper, and references should be cited in the proposal.

Extracted from: Sudheesh, K., Duggappa, D. R., & Nethra, S. S. (2016). How to write a research proposal? Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, 60(9), 631. doi: 10.4103/0019–5049.190617



Dasapta Erwin Irawan
Applied Geology Research Group, FEST, ITB

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