5 Very Important Steps to Become an Eco-Friendly Dog Owner

Akriti vyas
Eco Lit
Published in
2 min readNov 21, 2020
Created by Author

I follow a seasonal diet, I don’t purchase chemical-based products, I say no to plastic bags, and I ride a bicycle as a writer who spends all day reading and writing about the environment. One day I saw the news, dog feeding companies are launching natural dog food that completely digestible and healthy. And that got me thinking about eco-friendliness is not limited to humans; we can also participate our pets in this campaign.

If you are a pet parent and want to become an eco-friendly dog owner, then follow these 5 meaningful steps that I have mentioned below.

Purchase Durable Dog Furniture

Your pet would definitely jump from one sofa to another, so it makes sense to purchase a high-quality based, and durable dog furniture. If you have to replace furniture after your pet damage it constantly, you will end up wasting lots of resources, which is against sustainability. I advise you to look at the thick canvas, leather or Crypton material based furniture. They are sturdy, durable, and comfortable.

DIY Toys

I know your pet love to play with plastic toys, mine was also. But, as we all know, plastic toys have an impact on the environment. If you want to become an eco-friendly pet parent, then you could make DIY toys by using T-shirt Rope, old fabric, towel, and other old belongings.

In short, when you have such a creative skill, why to purchase expensive plastic toys for the dog.

Bath Time

If you are more conscious about the Earth and dog health too then, you should definitely buy eco-friendly shampoo because artificial fragrance and chemical-based shampoo can leave your dog with a monster headache.

Recycled Poo Bags

It’s fine if you have a bathroom for your pet. In case you purchase poo bags, make sure they are biodegradable. By eliminating plastic from our life, we can save our planet and give it a new birth.

Don’t Overfeed

Overfeeding put more pressure on the digestive system of the pet and leads to the risk of obesity. And of course, too much food means unnecessary food waste. So, feed your pet with love, don’t overfeed it.

Final Say:

As a responsible pet owner, it is our duty to not purchase products that are actively increasing the carbon footprints. Together we can make a goal of raising our furry family member by keeping eco-friendliness in mind. we have to give our best that can move us forward to a cleaner and greener future.



Akriti vyas
Eco Lit

I write copy for change. Subject Inclination: Environmentalism, Climate, Green business, and Social Justice I Find me at: freelancer.akriti98@gmail.com