Can you Shop Online and Be Zero Waste?

Zero-waste shopping is amazing.

Akriti vyas
Eco Lit
3 min readSep 5, 2020


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Firstly, I would like to thank a conscious consumerist society that is actively working hard to protect consumers from inferior and dangerous products.

It is very easy to find Eco-friendly items on the internet. But, overzealous packing material and several layers of plastic films are the common online zero-waste shopping hurdles.

It is always frustrating when we shop online to save transport costs, time, and money and get products in a ridiculous amount of plastic packaging. We know plastic is bad for our Eco-system and that’s why we are trying to reduce as much as possible.

Is it possible to avoid these cardboard boxes, paper fillers, bubbles, and air mailers when shopping online?

The fast company releases a report; around 165 billion packagings is shipped in the U.S. every year, which equates to around 1 billion trees worth of cardboard boxes.

When it comes to packaging waste, online shopping is awful. I have researched a lot and come with tips that will help you reduce packaging waste associated with e-commerce.

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  • Fill your cart throughout the seven days and then buy all at once. By doing so, the company will package all your products in a single box.
  • Many e-commerce stores use recyclable and compostable boxes, so try to buy from them.
  • Packaging alternatives are also out there; many e-commerce stores are now sending products in mailers, then customer attaches pre-paid mailing label to return the pouch to the company to use for the next customer.
  • After purchasing a product, you can send an email to the online store to offer you plastic-free-shipping. You can also make request on a phone and live chat.
  • Request a company to deliver you multi-orders on the same day. Companies that are dedicated to zero waste and support sustainable living will definitely offer you a plastic-free-shipping service.

There are so many ways to cut down plastic waste when shopping online. But, ultimately, the easiest way to do zero-waste online shopping is by purchasing products altogether and compromise with immediate shipping.

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Final Say:

I would love to hear back from you. Please share your ideas in the comments for the rest of us! Thank You!



Akriti vyas
Eco Lit

I write copy for change. Subject Inclination: Environmentalism, Climate, Green business, and Social Justice I Find me at: