Zero Waste

How Many Unpaper Towels Do I Need?

Some Tips for Those Trying Reusable Paper Towels

Eco Local
Eco Lit


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If you’re greening your home and are on the market for unpaper towels, you may be wondering: how many towels do I need? This is a good question to ask, so today, I’m going to go over unpaper towels, why you should switch to them, and what to consider when looking at the different sets available.

What are Unpaper Towels?

“Unpaper Towels” is the fun name given to simple cloth towels that are cut, used, and look like your regular paper towels. They can come in many different colors with rounded or sharp corners, and vary in all kinds of sizes. Some have snaps or velcro. Others include their own roll so you can still pull your towel from a roll just like you would with paper towels. This is to minimize behavioral change when making the switch.

I actually have a definitive guide to reusable paper towels over here if you really want all the info on these great zero-waste products.

Why even make the switch?

The thing about reusable towels is that they are much more eco-friendly and cost-effective. I have an entire blog article where I write about how bad paper towels are for the environment and how much you’re losing paying for them regularly. Why not lessen your overall house waste, have a safer (not toxin-laden) cleaner, and save money?

Okay, so how many unpaper towels do I need to start?

So now you’re really serious about making the swap, but may be overwhelmed by the choices out there. I will write about all the features available such as snaps or rolls shortly. But for now, let’s focus on the question of quantity. Unpaper towels dry quickly while being just as absorbent as paper towels. So keep in mind, it’s not one wipe and it’s time for the wash. You really only need a few available at any given time. A set of 6 to 10 is a great starting point to see if that works for your family.

I also recommend having 2 sets so you can alternate between them when one needs to be washed. It’s also a nice way to have the different decor in the house. I love the idea of seasonal towels or pulling out the fancy towels for when guests come over.

But for starting out, I recommend 2 sets of 6–10 towels. You may find this is all you need, or you may find you need another set or more in a set. Don’t sweat it, these are investments that save you money in the long run. Even if you make your transition slowly, it’s a great start- pat yourself on the back!

If you love this post and are ready to find your first (or next!) set of reusable paper towels, see my latest collection.

Originally published at on May 9, 2020.



Eco Local
Eco Lit
Editor for

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