How to Start a Zero Waste Lifestyle?

I am not living a zero-waste lifestyle yet- Because it doesn’t happen overnight

Akriti vyas
Eco Lit
3 min readSep 22, 2020


Over the last few years, a zero-waste lifestyle has gained a huge acceptance of the people. To reduce the impact of the carbon footprint people are now shifting towards the zero-waste lifestyle.

It involves more than just swaps. It includes bulk shopping, refusing plastic, bulk shopping, using leftover food and so on.

If you are just starting out, then must read what zero waste lifestyle is? so you understand the actual meaning of this movement.

So, if you have decided to become super sustainable, then follow this guide consistently.

How to get started?

The amount of harmful waste you produce everyday is damaging natural resources. By creating a small sustainable goal, you can still save the planet’s resources.

Whether you are doing none, just a few or most, remember one thing a little effort from your side can make a huge difference. As you are a beginner so I will not advise you to opt for the advanced zero waste lifestyle tips- Let’s move forward imperfectly.

7 Tips for Zero Waste Kitchen:

Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

Eat delicious, healthy diet, simplify your grocery shopping and keep smile!

  • Shop with reusable bags when going for grocery shopping.
  • Ditch the disposables.
  • Use jars as storage containers.
  • Use cloth instead of paper towels.
  • Recreate leftover foods.
  • Purchase eco-friendly utensils cleanser.
  • Use vegetable scraps as a fertilizer.

8 Tips for Zero waste Shopping:

Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash
  • Buy reusable bags and use them to buy fruits and vegetables.
  • Always keep your shopping kit with you.
  • Shop at stores that support sustainability and zero lifestyle practices.
  • Purchase clothes from the thrift stores.
  • Visit the farmer’s market.
  • Avoid products with excessive plastic packaging.
  • Do ethical shopping.
  • Save the transport cost and buy products online.

5 Tips for Zero Waste Bathroom:

Photo by Phil Hearing on Unsplash
  • Create a zero-waste oral care routine.
  • Clean your face with an organic cleanser.
  • Make the switch to solid shampoo and soap.
  • Avoid microplastic in your body scrub.
  • Use cotton pads to clean face.

6 Tips for Zero Waste at Work:

Photo by Proxyclick Visitor Management System on Unsplash
  • Bring your own coffee mug if your office serves beverages in plastic cups.
  • Share your opinion, request, criticism, and project details via email.
  • Save paper with double-sided printing and copying.
  • Create a green team.
  • Keep a small indoor plant on your desk.
  • Encourage your colleagues to adopt a zero-waste lifestyle.

Final Say

Changing your way of life to turn out to be zero waste lifestyle is a long journey. It cannot be impossible, but it is important always to do your best- even if you don’t have time.



Akriti vyas
Eco Lit

I write copy for change. Subject Inclination: Environmentalism, Climate, Green business, and Social Justice I Find me at: