16 Ways to Make Your Home Eco-Friendly

So you can do your bit to help the planet — and us

Tassia O'Callaghan (she/her)


We are in the midst of a climate crisis — it’s no longer ‘climate change’, the change is here and we’re now in a crisis.

Scientists are now saying that we’re in “uncharted territory”, owing to the billions of tonnes of CO2 that we pump into the atmosphere every year.

Without a doubt, the vast majority of this planet-wide pollution is caused by surprisingly few people and companies: one-third of all greenhouse gases are caused by just 20 fossil fuel companies, according to The Guardian.

We’ll see real change when these companies step up and take responsibility, rather than just paying us lip service, but in the meantime, you can still do your bit.

It sounds like us making changes in our lives to be more environmentally-conscious won’t make a difference, and it won’t — unless we all rally together on this.

We are the masses, and we have power together.

Your home is where you spend a lot of your time, so why not start there?

Without further ado, here are some ways you can be more sustainable in your home:



Tassia O'Callaghan (she/her)

Writer • Marketer • Advocate for equal rights and sustainable living • Feminist • Poet • Triphalangeal thumbs • https://linktr.ee/tassia.aga